Thursday, May 21, 2009


Have I ever mentioned how great my husband is? He never ceases to amaze me! Not only is he a patient husband, gentle and fun-loving father but now he has an article published in Indiana's homeschool magazine, The Informer, in the May/June 2009 issue--here it is:(If you click on the images below you will be able to read the article.)

(The below picture of us is an older picture, maybe 5 years ago)
Steve is a wonderful husband and what you might call a 'jack-of-all-trades'. Over the years he has blessed our whole family in several ways--most importantly washing his wife (me) with the Word, spending loving time as a dad mentoring and discipling our 8 children--his invaluable knowledge and skills around the home has saved us loads of money through the years and his ministries have encouraged many. Here are also some of the other things he has done in the past: *led several Bible studies, including one for families *headed up a Baptism ministry *taught parenting classes *preached regularly for a year and a half at the local prison in Northwest Indiana as a ministry *men's conferences coordinator and speaker (and homeschool events/conferences) *a Christian book distributor *church website designer and technician *main sound technician for a church *headed up the church bulletin ministry *had opportunities to preach at 2 churches *homeschool graduation speaker *created a homeschool organization/community online *runs a blog for Christian men to encourage them in their walk at home he: *has built a deck *landscapes *finished part of the basement *knows how to repair just about anything that breaks (how does he do that????) *repairs cars, etc. *leads our family in Bible study and worship *is very hospitable and enjoys having huge get-togethers *is currently working on our kitchen remodel *has a crazy sense of humor that keep us all in stitches Whew, what a list! Just looking at all that gets me tired and I'm sure I didn't even get it all in this one post--this doesn't even contain all the top secret stuff that I know he wants to do and we will be trying our hand at someday... :) I just wanted to give honor where honor is due and let you see a glimpse of my husband and the things he has done over the years. I have been very blessed by the Lord and definitely see God's hand working in the life of my husband. I am looking forward to many more years with him and the adventures that will come our way. I love you, Steve!


Leah said...

Wow - you are blessed! So wonderful to hear such honouring of your husband...I've got a wonderful one too!!

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

What a tremendous article by your husband and a beautiful tribute from a wife to her husband!
As a homeschooling family we have had many opportunities to share our faith and the witness of my children in the marketplace (literally our local farmer's markets) has spoken to many

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

What a wonderful way to honor your husband! And, congrats to him for writing such a great article!

Krystal said...

Hello! I actually found your blog last week. I receive the Informer, and I saw the article that your husband wrote, and also where he mentioned that his wife had a blog! So I hopped onto google and found you!

I also viewed the Mark Driscoll video in its entirety that you have posted below. I like him a lot.


Julianne said...

That was awesome! Makes me realize just how much I have to be thankful for as well. It truly is a blessing to have a wonderful husband, this was a good reminder that instead of giving him a Honey-Do list when he gets home tonight that instead I'll give him a big hug and kiss in appreciation for who he is.
Julianne :)

Robin said...

Oh, my husband and I read your husbands article and was very encouraged by it. I met Rhonda from Sarah's Daughter's at the IAHE Convention and she mentioned your blog to me. I had visited here before, but it had been awhile. You do have a lovely ministry through this blog, thank you for taking the time to post.

Word Warrior said...

Congratulations to your husband!

I am asking for a teensy favor ;-) (I couldn't find an email.) Do you mind changing the link you have for me from "", and just making it

Thanks so much!!!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


Sound glad you found us! Hope you enjoy your time here and visit again!


I am about to hop over to your blog and leave a comment right now.


No problem. Done.

Thanks for visiting ladies and many blessings to your families!

Dovey said...

Hi! I just found your blog through Joy, the stay-at-home missionary. I've loved reading some back posts and have added you into my blog reader. Imagine my surprise when I realized that you were right here in IN! We live in Fishers and are homeschooling our oldest who will be 2nd grade next year and starting my daughter who will be K next year. I also have an-almost 3-year old and a 6 month old. Nice to meet you!


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