Monday, June 1, 2009

Of Things Hoped For

The other day as we were gathered around the breakfast table, my lovely daughter Janai pointed out to me that most likely one day our family will be almost twice the size.

Twice the size?

Did she know something I didn't know?

"Yes, Mommy," she stated matter-of-factly all the while smiling,"you see if you have five sons and three daughters right now and we all eventually get married, that means you will be adding on five daughters and three sons for a total of 8 sons and 8 daughters."

I stared at her. I had never thought of it that way.

Five more daughters and three sons.

The mere thought brought tears to my eyes (and even now as I type this).

Could they really be out there somewhere? Could my heart be swelling up with love for 8 complete strangers that I don't even know right now whom of which will grace our family with their presence one day?

Surely, I have always dreamed of being a grandmother but to also have other sons and daughters to love and care for---I had never thought about such an honor in depth like this.

I hope I will remember all the things I'd like to do when my children are older. I would love to have them over all the time--especially once a week for dinner. I would love to help them out with their new homes and buy the little things that newlyweds/parents/grandbabies need...I want to express unconditional love and treat their spouses as if they were my own...I want to watch the grandchildren and have them over often...I'd love to host all the major holidays and the list goes on.

Sometimes around the dinner table, the children and I get to talking about the future once they are married and in their own homes. They share how this sister will visit their older sister and bring cookies and help plant a garden. How younger sister will cook a big dinner and invite all her older hungry brothers to her home. How little brother will go to older sisters home and mow the grass just to help out. I add to their thoughts by painting the picture of huge family get-togethers with all the children and grandchildren at my house with loads of food and what fun it will be!

These are some of my favorite family conversations. These are some of my most cherished dreams. I believe conversation regarding the future, close ties while they are young and fostering their walk with God now helps to lay the groundwork for keeping close relationships when they actually do get married. Whether they live close by or far away...

...these are the things that I hope for.

And for those special 'eight' I have yet to meet, I am praying for you as you wander this earth before the Lord brings you here--that God would keep you safe, far from evil and on the right path.

We love you and can't wait to meet you one day!


Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

How beautiful! I never thought that each of my children are going to join their lives with others. It is a very lovely thought.

Linda said...

I prayed for my girl's mates before I knew who they would be,...and I now pray for my grandkids future mates too. It is indeed a responsibility of a godly parent and grandparent.

I LOVE all of the times when my girls and my son-in-laws and all of the kids get together at my house. So, yes, you have much to look forward to.

I pray for many blessings in your future with your special family.

Love in Christ,

Lola G. said...

This is a beautiful post. My son was recently married, and we certainly consider the addition of our wonderful daughter-in-law (and, by extension, her family members) to be a blessing for our family.

Anonymous said...

That makes me think of my future husband :)

Unknown said...

Those are such sweet thoughts! What a wonderful way to think of how you will add to your family.

Leah said...

So precious - I read this before I put the children to bed and I prayed for their future husbands/wives as I rocked my baby to sleep. Thank you for a very inspiring post.

Melody said...

I cried reading that and thinking of my children. How true that is, and how I will now pray for them now. Great post

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

I am going to have to buy a bigger dining table! When we bought a large square dining table which sits 8, we had four children and two spare seats, one day I imagined two more shining faces sitting opposite me. I call my table my 'prophetic table', as one year later I had my twin girls! They sit opposite to me and my husband and beam at us with shining faces! I too, look forward to the days ahead when our family will extend, your lovely post has reminded me to keep praying for those future family members, my future son and daughter in laws, that they will be individuals committed to the Lord, who, because they share the same vision for family, will be thrilled to come and spend time with us around our table.. or maybe two tables joined together!

Mindy said...

A truly beautiful post! Such a lovely vision of a family's future.

Brenda said...

My 2 girls have it all worked out. The older one wants to live on a farm when she grows up so naturally she plans to marry a farmer. And the little one (5) who is NEVER getting married b/c she doesn't want to kiss a boy (ew!) is going to work on the farm and be her neighbor.

I'm fairly sure she'll change her mind about the getting married part though! :)

Grace said...

What a beautiful post :)

Karen said...

That is a beautiful reflection of a family's blessings to come! I raised three boys and absolutely loved the time when I became "mom" to their wives...grandchildren are treasures without measure...

Kristi said...

Thank you for your lovely blog...I gave you an award at my blog. Please come and pick it up. I am so appreciative of your blog and the encouragement that it gives me to keep walking the walk in this Godly life and family of mine. Thanks so much!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dearest Ann,

I have twins too, they are boys and are turning 3 this weekend! I am so excited I can't wait..hopefully I will get a chance to post on it.


Thanks so much for taking the time to award this blog. I really appreciate all the ladies who share an award and am working on an award page. All praise and glory goes to the Lord above!

Many blessings...

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I'm taking the time to comment about this subject since it is dear to my heart.

I started praying for my future son in law when my daughter was an infant. I find it interesting that his parents became Christians not long after that. We never know the influence of such prayers. :)

My daughter and son in law have been here for a week of vacation. He has added so much enjoyment to this family since they married. The grandchildren are wonderful, too.

I'm still praying for the girl God has for my son. She is definitely "out there" somewhere. :)


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