Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Get Behind Me Satan

"Get behind me Satan!" he said, "You do not have in mind the things of God but the things of man." -Mark 8:33b

What kinds of things distract a woman of God?

A bigger home, materialism, covetousness, vanity, discontentment are a few.

We are distracted with many frivolous things of this world all the while bombarded by the media and culture around us to 'have it all'. We are 21st century Eves who crave what we should not.

Buy me, buy me, scream the ads that come in our mailbox---everything from craftily designed television commercials, smooth talking telemarketers, glossy enticing magazines and tempting Craigslist classifieds are demanding we spend our money in the pursuit of their shallow and fleeting happiness.

But to 'have it all' for the woman of God contradicts the definition the world dictates to us. In fact, it is the opposite.

And what things should a woman of God desire? What are the things of God that we need to chase after as the verse above declares?

Wisdom. Knowledge. Love. Humility. Patience. Kindness. Faithfulness. Self-control. Charity. Servanthood. Humility. Joy. Peace. Goodness. Contentment. Forgiveness. Busy at home and sharing Christ with an unsaved world that desperately needs Him is to name a few.

The things of God. Not man..........I am speaking of KINGDOM WORK.

Satan will try to distract us in the same manner he was using Peter to rebuke Jesus as Jesus stated what his purpose on earth was--to die on the cross for mankind, His Kingdom work. Will you allow yourself to be taken off the mission He has called you to?

Many here reading this are feeling off track today, but I exhort you now to get right back on-- to fight the good fight and to finish the race (2 Tim 4:7). Don't become lukewarm in your walk and remember your first love.

The Christian woman must always evaluate her life under the lens of Scripture. Her thoughts, her actions, her desires must always be striving to be in conformity with Gods Word.

What 'things of man' do you need to rid yourself of today?

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D.Richmond said...

Thank you for this timely piece. I am reading a book right now called Who Calls Me Beautiful? by Regina Franklin. I sought this book out because I noticed I had been getting caught up in the world's definition of beauty.

An out of state wedding for a friend of my husband's, sent me reeling, as I tried to live up to an unattainable standard of beauty in preparation for the event. Too much effort and focus was placed on my outward appearance and when the pictures taken didn't live up to the expectation I had created in my head, I was left feeling worthless, empty, and depressed.

I'm trying to regain a Godly perspective. God is using the experience, and the book, to cause an internal struggle that is bringing to light childhood impressions that have shaped my subconscious and self esteem. I know He is healing wounds I didn't even know I had, and clearing out the junk, so to replace it with his fruits of the Spirit.

I'm learning that a preoccupation with the world's standard of beauty is a sin because it seeks to glorify myself and not God, so in essence it is a sin against God.

Kristi said...

Thank you. It's been a rough day so far. I really needed this!

A Joyful Chaos said...

Thanks for another inspirational post. I enjoy your blog very much.

Emily :) said...

This is a great reminder. Thank you!

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

What a wonderful post! Very eye opening, even to myself.

Mary said...

Probably the computer! I spend way too much time on it.

Julianne said...

What an awesome post!! I love reading your posts- they always seem to challenge me. I especially love the scriptures you put into them. You're truly a blessing!

Simply Heart And Home said...

I stumbled upon your blog today and was blessed by it. So true that we need to guard our hearts against the world's distractions.



Farming On Faith said...

What a great devotion. I have to tell that enemy all the time that I will not listen to his lies!
Thanks for sharing!
Thought & Prayers~

Hannah Fancher said...

I often get distracted by my own feelings. I let a worldly frame of mind invade my thoughts and start thinking about all the ways I am mistreated.

Thank you for help in refocusing!

Davesgirl said...

You have no idea the encouragement you are to me... thank you so much for teaching the "younger women" (and probably a few older ones too)!

Anonymous said...

I've been having a very challenging and miserable week. Your post helped me to realize that I need to get back on track soon and not to forget Christ. It's SO difficult sometimes, but I needed this reminder today.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear D. Richmond,

Thank you for sharing your personal struggle, I am sure it has helped many out there.

My prayer is that we would recognize where our weaknesses lie and strengthen them little by little each day with prayer, self control and renewing of the mind through His Word.

Many blessings...

Leah said...

A challenging post - thanks for posting...lots of food for thought!

Elizabeth said...

Thank you for the wonderful and thought provoking post. It was especially timely as we were headed out to shop for the summer season. It has become so difficult to see the difference between our true needs and our wants. Thank you for your vision and the scripture references. You are such a blessings.


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