Friday, November 7, 2008

Home Destroyers

I am very blessed to receive Above Rubies devotionals through my email, I highly encourage you to sign up for them. Here is a sample of what I found in my inbox today:


Part 1

"Having food and clothing, with these we shall be content." -1 Timothy 6:8

Reading through Proverbs recently I noticed that it mentions five things that destroy the home. I prefer not to write about negative things, but, on the other hand, we can't wipe any of God's Word under the mat. And God's negatives always turn to positives. When we read His warning signs which mean, ROAD BLOCK, WRONG WAY-GO BACK or DEAD END we know that it is not the road to take, even though it looks beautiful and such an easy road. We must swerve back on the road God has planned for us from the beginning of time. God has never changed his plans. His ways are still the only ones that work effectively. Jeremiah 6:16 says, "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls."

Let's look at some of these WRONG WAY signs.


Proverbs 15:27, "He that is greedy of gain troubles his own house."

No wonder one of the Ten Commandments is "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house... thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife... nor any thing that is thy neighbor's." (Exodus 20: 17) When we see friends with things that we don't have it is easy to hanker after them too. Most people like to be like everyone else and have everything that their associates have. How can this negatively affect the home?

a) By becoming despondent and full of self-pity because we can't afford what we want. This takes away our joy of living and being "content with such things as we have." (Hebrews 3:5-6)

b) As we crave a better house and more things to put in the house we start to plan how we can get these things. Ideas take shape. That's it! I could do what everyone else is doing who has more things. I could go out and get a job! Yes, that's the answer. But is it? To go out and get a job you have to leave the home behind. You have to vacate the very place where God wants you to be--in the heart of the home. (Psalm 1228:3) You have to put your children in daycare or leave them with someone else. God didn't give your children to you to give them to someone else to look after! He gives the responsibility to you. You are the only one who can truly nurture and nourish your baby and children.

c) The home becomes a show piece of material riches rather than filling it with the true riches of children. When you get your eyes on material riches, children become a nuisance.

May God save us from a greedy spirit.



"Father, I pray that you will take every spirit of greediness from me. Give me a contented spirit. Help me to enjoy the riches you have given me - my precious children and the (little) house you have provided for me. I thank you for the blessing of food and clothing. Amen"


Content in my home, that's for me,

With coveting gone, I'm now free!


Julieann said...

Yes!! I adore Above Rubies, and have been a subscriber for years---I hope this post encourages more to subscribe--

I liked this post!
Have a wonderful Friday!

Traci Lynn said...

I received this devotional this morning & printed out several copies for friends. How small this can start out & yet steal so much joy. It also touched my heart, thanks for sharing it on your blog for everyone!

His Talmidat said...

I had never heard of Above Rubies, thank you. And the devotional was wonderful and a good heart check for me.

Quick question, regarding this section: "This takes away our joy of living and being "content with such things as we have." (Hebrews 3:5-6)"

I try to remember to check scripture references, and did this time. But Hebrews 3:5-6 doesn't seem to say anything about contentedness. Do you know what verse it should be referring to? Thanks a bunch! I love your content!

Sue said...

I love this. Thanks for sharing.

Here in Japan, we don't have the space for a lot of the incredible decorating that many American women do. That has actually been a blessing to me. I find that I want it less and less.

Still, God is always teaching me about being content with what He has given me, whether it be material things, number of children, a balcony instead of a real yard, and the list goes on.

Thanks for the reminder to be on the lookout for "home destroyers" and "joy stealers".

His Talmidat said...

Is there somewhere I could email a question to you? Thanks!

Renee said...

In the last year I started getting the Above Rubies magazine and have really enjoyed it. It's very encouraging and helpful. I actually just got the new magazine yesterday and was starting to read it last night.

Simply Shelley said...

Hello, I enjoyed your post very much. There is much truth in what you have said.The frist two scriptures you used are some of my most favorites.
Your blog is very insprirational indeed.


Abounding Treasures said...


Thanks so much for sharing this!


For Rose,

I think it should be Hebrews 13:5 ~
"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."

Also I Timothy 6:8:

"And having food and raiment let us be therewith content."


Vera Prince said...

What an interesting devotional. Very thought provoking!

Mrs. Anna T said...

Wonderful post. I look forward to reading more.

Kelli said...

Thank you so much for this post. It hit me on a day where I had sinfully started to let my mind go to some of those exact thoughts. Your blog has been an encouragement to me.

Jennifer Jabbour said...

Great devotional.

However, I'm bothered by point b. We are often the people who do have the "stuff". My husband and I both work, but I've practically begged him to let me stay home with the kids since my first maternity leave. He has always said no. I work because I have to, not because I want more money so we can have more things. Yet, I still get the guilt trip from this point. I firmly believe we could survive without my income; of course, we'd have to sacrifice to do it, but I'm willing, dh is not. What does a wife do in this sort of situation?

Mama M said...

I really enjoyed this post. You're right, becoming envious of what the people around you have or have accomplished only makes you annoyed with your situation. Thanks for that and God Bless!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

I just received my copy of Above Rubies this weekend. I'm looking forward to reading this series.


Anonymous said...

I love this have great tastes! Can you tell me who painted this?

His Talmidat said...

Jennifer, this isn't my blog, but I wanted to comment on your question. I asked my husband what he would advise someone in your situation.

Prayer is my advice, God can do awesome things that way, and you'd know it was His working and not your begging :0)

My husband asked if your husband is a believer. If not, prayer is the only thing. If so, he suggested bringing the scriptures on what a wife is created to do and then praying and waiting for your husband to say yes.

You're doing an awesome work just obeying his desire for you to work. Most women I know would rebel against him insisting and do what they want or make the families life miserable until they got what they wanted. Thank you for submitting, it is an encouragement to me.


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