Saturday, November 1, 2008

Be a Part of History

Our family just visited the Billy Graham Museum last week while my husband was on vacation, it is a belated birthday gift to my son (just 8 yrs. old) who just loves Billy Graham! My son loves to walk around the house with a Bible and carry a Billy Graham book around with him or go off into his room to examine Decision magazine which is a publication of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The reason I am sharing all of this with you is because Billy Graham is turning 90 on November 7th (this is also my third daughter's birthday!). There is a website set up for anyone to come and wish him a happy birthday though a message or video. Franklin Graham, his son, is asking everyone to participate and they are going to collect all the messages and present it to him on his birthday. You can leave this godly man a message by clicking here:

Happy Birthday to Billy Graham

I already sent mine---and so did some of my children as they wanted to let him know how his life has impacted us. I must warn you though, you won't have long to do it! There are also many celebrities like Casting Crowns, Michael W. Smith, and others who have left him videos that you can view there as well. Here are some pictures of our BG Museum visit that I thought you might enjoy:

This is my son, Stephen, and he would really like to become a pastor one day. One birthday I had to actually make him a 'pastor' birthday cake because he requested it. Do some of my older readers remember this picture of it-----?

Thank God they sell wedding supplies at stores--there is actually even a Bible on that little pulpit that I found to make it authentic! He just loved this cake--but back to the museum...

Anyways, here is Stephen at what was Billy Grahams pulpit that was custom made for him and electronically controlled--this was flown to many crusades and speaking events around the world.

Stephen stood in awe of many of the pictures and tried reading much of what he could. It really stirred my heart to watch him be so inspired at what God has done in one mans life.

Here are the girls--they enjoyed it too.

Here is a quote from him as he looks back on life.

This was beautifully lit up we just had to take a picture of it.

Well, that's all for now. Be sure to head over there and leave your blessings!


Emini Addict said...

That looks like it was a great trip..

Anonymous said...

I think you have a cute little blog site here, and some great entries to glean from, thanks! I thought, tho, that you may appreciate knowing that Billy Graham is not a christian, he is a universalist. If you would like to find out more, there are some articles available on the web, and interviews on youtube with his own words. Once again thanks for sharing your blog with the world!


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