Monday, October 8, 2007

World Changers

Mothers, how are you raising your children today?

Scriptures declare that 'the tongue hold the power of life and death'---are we proclaiming life into the lives of our children or death?

A dream is born in the heart of a mother and made real as she gives birth to that tiny child once living inside her. It is powerful indeed, the mothering vision that desires to build up a godly nation for the Lord by His great Hand and merciful grace.

Mothers cannot be thwarted from their mission---so many things can distract a mother from fulfilling together with her husband the command to raise godly seed without ever understanding that so much is at stake. Some times the daily grind, if not seen in the light of the eternal, is enough to weary even the greatest leaders of our history. Child raising, disciplining, heart discipling, character training to raise up children who are mighty in spirit must be our ultimate goal---so they might serve the Lord with their whole hearts.

There are no perfect families or perfect people. I, myself, am far from perfect. I do things everyday that I know I should not do, and hate realizing I am doing. But that does not change the fact of who I am or what God has called me to. I cannot give up because I know there will be eternal ramifications. If I give up and let sin or Satan get me down I am defeated before I even begin. If I do not stay where God has called me to and actually do what He is commanding me to, I have sinned greatly not just to Him but to those around me. If I fail, generations hinge on it. The decisions I make today affect greatly the future of tomorrow.

For example, if I choose to drink or do drugs and become addicted I am leading my family down a path of destruction. My children might dabble in it and later become drunks. If I make bad financial decisions and are unwise they will suffer because of it. They might not be able to eat or have clothes. This goes for what seems to be small decisions as well. If I yell at my children all the time they will also yell at my (one day) precious grandchildren.

You see, because everything matters to Christ. Not just what we publicly are applauded for, but those small things we struggle so much in doing right for the Lord. We cannot give up. We can't grow weary. Satan wants us to think we can't do it but we MUST fill our minds with scripture to do battle on the spiritual frontlines. Don't pretend you have never been there, we ALL have.

Stand in the gap today for your families. The next generation needs you to guide them. You don't have to have it all together, because it's not about us--it's about Him. And don't forget to pour your 'all' into that little child------because both you and him ARE world changers.


Karina said...

I just want to say I love being encouraged as I read your blog. I really feel Gods Spirit as I read and believe God is using your blog to help others. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

World Changers... I LOVE IT!!!

Mrs. Anna T said...

Mrs. Fuentes, I'm encouraged and inspired by you, as always.

Sallie said...

It is always so nice to come read your blog.. I am always inspired!

God bless,

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this. This blesses me abundantly.

TEAM HALL said...

It's a long story, but sadly enough I have been "away from goodness" the last few months. Your last 2 posts have helped me immensely to see that I desperately need to return! Thank you for some eye-opening remarks. It was like someone was yelling at me to " wake up"!
Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

What is the name of this painting? Where did you find it? It is inspiring. I am new to your blog (passed on by a friend from her friend..) Thank you.

Bree said...

thank you, thank you, thank you! this is so great upon my heart and the guarding of our children, husbands and homes.
this is my first visit to your blog-thank you!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Hi Amy,

This piece is called Bon Voyage by Greg Olsen. Thanks for visiting!

Many blessings...


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