Monday, October 15, 2007

Fatal Lies of Feminism

There is far too much feminism today. We are blinded by it, lied to and confused as daughters of our Heavenly King. Our churches are weakened by it and families destroyed. When will we rise above the cesspool of Satan's destructive plans and live victoriously as women as God created us to be and stop living lives dictated by those who hate all things about Him?

Women, we must rise up and embrace our calling as helpmeets, homemakers and mothers. If we abandon this role we abandon the nation. We turn our back on those most precious to us and on the King we serve. 

 I share U.S Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall lament of the 1940's: 

  "Godly womanhood....the very phrase sounds strange in our ears. We never hear it now. We hear about every other type of women: beautiful women, smart women, sophisticated women, career women, talented women, divorced women. But so seldom do we hear of a godly women--or of a godly man either for that matter. We believe women come nearer to fulfilling their God-given function in the home than anywhere else. 

It is a much nobler thing to be a good wife, than to be Miss America. It is a greater achievement to establish a Christian home than it is to produce a second-rate novel filled with filth. It is a far, far better thing in the realms of morals to be old-fashioned, than to be ultra modern. 

The world has enough women who know how to be smart. It needs women who are willing to be simple. The world has enough women who know how to be brilliant. It needs some who will be brave. The world has enough women wo are popular. It needs more who are pure. We need woman, and men, too, who would rather be morally right than socially correct." 

I will cover in more detail the lies of feminism in another post. In the meantime pray and ask the Lord to show you were lies have been manifesting in your life causing you to tear down your home unknowingly.

Also ask Him where the source of those lies are coming from. Is it from your favorite magazine subscription, your favorite talk show, your best friend? 

 Until then, ladies.... 


Anonymous said...

I have been wrestling with this in my own life. How to be a helpmeet and what it means when I was raised with all the feminist attitudes out there. It is a battle to teach my daughters what it means when they are bombarded by the feminist ideals daily. Thank you so much for posting this. I look forward to reading more.

Mrs. Anna T said...

"The world has enough women who know how to be smart. It needs women who are willing to be simple. The world has enough women who know how to be brilliant. It needs some who will be brave. The world has enough women wo are popular. It needs more who are pure."

This pretty much sums it all up - so true!! I'm looking forward to your next post about this important matter.

Brenda said...

I'm looking forward to hearing more about this! I have had a hard time "identifying" the lies that I know are out there b/c I am just so used to the way things are.

If you can list some out--I will be impressed!

anya* said...

thank you for that post, especially this part of the quote:
'The world has enough women who know how to be smart. It needs women who are willing to be simple. The world has enough women who know how to be brilliant. It needs some who will be brave. The world has enough women wo are popular. It needs more who are pure.'
in our culture i feel so much pressure to have it all- and those qualities God really admires are looked down on. even in some christian circles the idea of being a helpmeet is frowned upon, almost like if a woman was to truly embrace the calling God has given her she wouldnt be living her 'full potential'...
good things to think upon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks June. That is so beautiful, I am ready to cry.

And putting me over the edge to tears is Anya. Thank you for saying, "even in some christian circles the idea of being a helpmeet is frowned upon, almost like if a woman was to truly embrace the calling God has given her she wouldnt be living her 'full potential'..."
It's so true, and it is a blessing to know I am not alone, I am not a failure, and I am certainly NOT defying God's Wrd by being a keeper of my family's home.

I love you women so deeply.

theups said...

Mrs. Fuentes,
As usual, WONDERFUL post!!! I am very saddened with all that our nation has embraced regarding feminism.

I can't wait to read more!

Mrs. U

theups said...

Mrs. Fuentes, I've been meaning to ask you... Have you ever considered writing a book? I think it would be FABULOUS!!!! I always appreciate what you share and I learn SO much from you!!!

Mrs. U

Anonymous said...

It is such a hard thing to fight today. But we have to. I know that I must try to lead by my example, as well as my words, to a different end for my children.

I loved the quote from Peter Marshall. I'm going to have to keep that one...maybe put it down on paper, in calligraphy, & frame it!


Anonymous said...

I have stuggled with being submissive and a helpmeet all my life, but work on it each day. I was a corporate career women for 10+ years and it's hard to get the "feminist mentality" out of my head. My husband and I own an online business and are expanding so this again puts my feminist gear in full drive. Why? Well because I have the business mind unlike him he doesn't like all those details.

I feel like sometimes I am put in that situation and feel guilty if I don't use the knowledge in business that I have gained over the years to better our business. But this interupts my steps to being a better wife and mother.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Mrs. U,

Great to hear from you---and yes, I will be writing a book, as a matter of fact, I just went through all the research regarding this just yesterday! I am excitedly looking forward to it and covet your prayers in the matter.

Many blessings to you and your beautiful family!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Christine,

I encourage you to use all of God given talents to bless your husband as helpmeet and advance his vision in this business. Even if at one time your mindset for doing this might have been rooted in feminist philosophy be sure to know that now you are doing it to bring God glory and advance your husband by being the best helpmeet you can be to him. I know that sometimes, as you stated, this might hinder you from fulfilling your role of mothering in the capacity that you would like. However, you must remember that you are his helpmeet first and that God will work out all the other things (mothering, homemaking). Be sure to keep a balance and not allow that 'feminist mentality' to creep in say perhaps in wanting to lead, etc. Always keep yourself in check here because you know that this can be a weakness for you. I'll be praying for you.

Many blessings...

Anonymous said...

Good reminder. While it is wise to check on the influences around us, we also need to be mindful of our own hearts leading us astray. I have found the truth of Scripture to be my best friend and antidote to feminism (female-oriented selfishness) - "You are not your own; you are bought with a price."
paraphrase of I Cor. 6:19-20

Katy-Anne Binstead said...

Great post! We have been purging the lies of feminism from our home, and I'm glad it's happening before we have a daughter. My husband and I are learning more and more and women staying at home to be wives and mothers, and girls staying at home until marriage is taught and upheld from the pulpit in our church, which I praise God for.

Dawn said...

I'll be one of the many sisters who will buy your book when you publish it Sis. June! :)

You know, I come across blogs where people say if it wasn't for feminism, women wouldn't be able to vote or drive cars or have a say in anything, but honestly, that has nothing to do with feminism, that has to do with culture changing, know what I mean?
I know women from our past made certain things possible for us, but look what we have done to it. Twisted and jumbled all those things the ladies from yesteryear worked so hard in getting for us. Does that make sense? Hmmmm I seem to have the words in my mind but they aren't coming out right :)
Okay, I believe it was women who stepped up and demanded to vote right? Okay, cool. Then another issue came up and women demanded it, then another and another, till it got to the point where feminism formed and women stepped out of the home and into the corporate world. It got to the point where women were rallying for "women's choice" and freedom from being chained down to the home.
It's because of that mentality our women of today are beyond confused. They don't know whom to listen too or what's right and wrong.
I don't think feminism when it first began was as corrupt as it is now. When it first started, women just wanted to be heard, ya know? Now look where that's got them? : /

I probably made no sense...sorry...LOL.


Anonymous said...

You should do a little more research into the many different forms of feminist theory and the varying degrees of impact they have on the identity of conventional roles within families. One thing you may find, is that feminism does not teach women to reject being the "keeper" of their families, it may teach them that this is a choice they can make. And that God has not mandated they stay at home and bake cookies and birth babies while their husband works.

Haleigh ♥ said...

I have made a link on my blog to this post it is so good and it really is a problem.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Hello anonymous,

Surely you should look explore feminism a little further and examine its fruits a little more closely. There are tons of great reads out there that will help to explain the collapse of society with the absence of women guarding their homes which is God's design.

Many blessings...

Bethany Hudson said...

Thank you so much for sharing that passage! What an encouragement. God bless him--and you.

Bethany Hudson said...

Thank you so much for sharing that passage! What an encouragement. God bless him--and you.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I have been reading your posts for some time and I am truly ammazed by what I read. I simply cannot believe that women in the XXI-st century can have such a demeaning vision about themselves. An what that pastor said about what kind of women "the world needs"...what he actually means is SOME MEN need women to become again what they were in the past: SLAVES who sacrificed themselves to men, who couldn't or wouldn't think for themselves. It's disgusting and horrible to demean women in such a way. I wonder what your denomination is. I would also recommend you to read a book called "The handmaid's tale" by award-winning Canadian author Margaret Atwood. It is fiction, but if the majority of women had your attitude, the society described in that book would become a reality. I should mention that I am a Christian ( Eastern Orthodox ) but I disagree with almost everything that you and other people on this blog are saying.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

"SLAVES who sacrificed themselves to men."----this is not what the Bible proclaims at all---in fact, it's simply 'giving up your life and dying to self for Christ'--it is also 'putting others first and yourself last' which is all plainly stated in scriptures. The Bible states that when we give up our lives, then we shall find it. It is unfortunate to despise what God upholds as his model for creation and desire the opposite. Where does true wisdom, love, and servanthood come from? Do we know better than Him who created the universe and can destroy the world with a blink of an eye? Surely not. We must be students of the Word---sober and ready to give an answer to those who don't believe, understand or are confused. I am convinced that society would not be better with what man is convinced is the way to live but instead with God's word as a lamp unto his feet.


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