Saturday, December 2, 2006


"Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness." James 3:18

I was drifting through my day and thought I would post about what
the Lord is doing in my childrens lives. He is teaching them to be

Do you know how hard it is to teach on peacemaking when
you come from the complete opposite? The Lord is showing me that "I"
must be that peacemaker to show them just what that is and that it
is his work in my heart.

My heart reflects me on the outside. I may
make mistakes, but I can humbly apologize to my children and trust
in the hope the Lord has given me, the vision of being a godly

Of raising godly seed, an army for HIM! He is the King of
Kings and He can change my heart and fill it with joy and peace! He
can make me beautiful from the inside out! He can make me lovely
when I am ugly.

The question is`"Do I want it?" Are my precious
children worth it? Will my grandchildren live out the vision the
Lord has given me?

Motherhood is the high-calling, let us keep our
eyes fixed on our servanthood to the One who has numbered our days.
Let us use them for peacemaking.

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