Monday, January 6, 2020

Making New Year Goals for 2020

It is so exciting to see that the New Year is here! As we take down our Christmas trees and prepare for the new I am looking forward to all the things that God has planned for us. 

Every new year I seek to see how I can grow closer to God and I always try to ask myself the question:

If this were my last year to live----how would I live it?

Where would I spend most of my time? Would I be bolder sharing the gospel? Would I hug my children closer or share my most personal thoughts with my spouse? 

Would I laugh more? Would I dream more? What would I have wish I enjoyed the most? Some people even ask how they would like to be remembered and work forward from there. 

As we sit down to write out our personal goals for the new year here are 7 key areas to keep in mind:

Spiritual Life--loving God first and foremost with all my heart, soul, strength and mind.

Family Life--loving and serving those at home first.

Home Life--taking good care of the place where our loved ones live.

Church Life--discovering, developing and using our spiritual gifts.

Physical Life- caring for our ourselves so we are able to serve the Lord and others.

Social Life--fitting in time for friends and neighbors.

Financial Life--being a wise steward of what God has given us.

Here are a few helpful questions you might want to ask yourself:

What does God want me to do in 2020?

How do I envision myself in 2020 serving God?

What do I want to see accomplished in my marriage this year?

What do I want to see accomplished in each of our children/family this year?

What do I want to see accomplished in our homeschool?

What would I like to see each child doing/growing in/serving?

Acts of Kindness/Service: How can we specifically help neighbors, widows, orphans, and the needy?


I also spend time charting the course with my husband and wrote a popular post on How to Plan the New Year with Your Husband. 

Don't forget to encourage your children to make goals too! I share how to do that HERE.


We also might need to plan to take wasteful things out of our lives. We need to really be prayerful, honest and look hard at what those things are. These are things that hinder our time...they steal time away from our marriages, children, and home. These things need to be closely examined and some need to be tossed out all together.


Be sure to plan in flexibility. Remember that the Lord has a bigger plan for us to follow. Some of you might want to just plan out a week or a month at a time which is fine too. Maybe you don't want to make any goals because you are actively making them throughout the year. 

I love what Jonathan Edwards said about resolutions;

"Resolution One: I will live for God. 

Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will.” 

If you don't make any goals or resolutions, that one is simple enough to remember!

Most importantly let us look forward to what the Lord has done, and what He is going to do.

I am eager to see what 2020 will hold for all of us. 

Let us worship the King, and remember to love and pursue Him with all our heart, soul, strength and mind.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge Him
And He will make your paths straight."

Proverbs 3:5-6

***Many blessings to you all and a Happy New Year!***

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