Monday, August 29, 2022

A Peek Inside My Life {and Where I Have Been}

It's been a while since I did one of these posts but I wanted to share again, so here we are!

I turned 51 this summer and my daughter bought me a beautiful cake:

If you look closely you can see there are pearls on it. They put lots of shimmer on it too, it was so pretty. 

I had always wanted an hombre rosette cake in these colors -it was amazing and my beautiful nieces made it for me. We also celebrated our 30th anniversary as well.


We spent a good portion of the summer swimming -- at the waterpark, our pool, and the beach. It was so fun and goes by too quick. Above is a pic of Bella at our 4th of July parade. Earlier this year we also went on a trip to Kalahari. It was so much fun, I will share about that soon. 


We also got to raise butterflies this summer! I am going to have to do a whole post on this but it was super educational and I can't believe they lived. They were beautiful.

We used the Insect Lore Butterfly Growing Kit, in case you are wondering. 


Earlier this year we also had a chance to visit a popular aquarium. Here is a new friend we met there:


My daughter started gymnastics this year and has loved every minute of it. 


Football season is upon us and we have 3 boys playing again. It will be much easier with my older son driving them to practices and games this year.  They won their first game last week.


We just recently redecorated our family room with some new furniture, pillows, throws, and rugs. It was fun and still working on getting things organized and ready for the upcoming school year. This is where I declutter and simplify as much as I can. 

I took some pictures of our flowers from our yard that we grew this year:


We had our third son graduate this summer. Here are a senior pictures that we took at the beach. 

He had a great year because they made state champions for basketball. 

We are starting school next week and I only have 3 students this year. It's been a long time since I have had so few. My twins will be juniors and my sweet Bella is in 3rd grade. Whatever will I do with all this free time?! Just kidding, there is no free time with 9 kids--just so you know! 


I have been offered multiple times to write a book for a publishing company this year but right now I am not taking it. After some prayer I feel that it's not the best choice right now.  I might publish something in the future and will let you all know if I do.  We already have some books on Amazon and you can find them HERE. 


On a personal level, this year has been challenging with many hard decisions having to be made and releasing difficult things to God. We are ultimately trusting Him with it all but your prayers would be appreciated. We have peace knowing God is sovereign and in control and we rest in that. Thank you for your prayers, we are so grateful for each and every one of you!

I hope you liked our pictures!

What have *you* been up to lately?

We would love for you to join our family at these places: 




Titus 2 Group 

Christian Homemaking Proverbs 31 Group 

Christian Homeschooling Group

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And sweet friend, do you know the Lord and if you are going to heaven? Please read this to be sure.

If you need help learning God's Word be sure to find a good Bible.

We'd also love for you to join our Titus 2 group!

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!

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