Saturday, April 10, 2021

Worldly Lies That Christian Women Need to Not Entertain

I recently asked a question on our Facebook page asking women what lies Christian women should not entertain and we received some really great responses. It is so important that we take every thought captive because everyday we are fighting a battle in the spiritual realm. And being aware of the lies help us to fight better!

This is a great topic and one that should be discussed more so that we don't fall into the trap of the devil. He would like to see our home broken, our marriages end in divorce, and our children destroyed. 

Here are a few of the lies that were mentioned:

1. That we don't need God.

2. That money will make us happy. 

3. That our husbands and children are a burden. 

4. That you need a career to be fulfilled. 

5. That you are better than a non-Christian. 

6. That a man will make you happy. 

7. That the Bible is outdated and doesn't apply today. 

8. That you and your family always have to be perfect. 

9. That showing our body will empower us as women. 

10. Your worth is only found in things like job, career, ministry, friends, social life, etc. 

11. That you are lazy for being a stay-at-home mom. 

12. That your past defines you. 

13. "It's all about you."

14. Listen to your heart.

15. Looking can't hurt anybody. (Or replace looking with comprising or sin)

You can read the rest at our Facebook page HERE.

*Remember, there are many helpful comments there, but please use discretion and God's word to always filter as it is an open forum. 

Feel free to also join the conversation!

Do you want to learn more about this topic? 

Here are some helpful Bible verses on taking every thought captive and be sure to read the Word of God daily to learn what it has to say. 

I also highly recommend Lies Women Believe: And the Truth That Sets Them Free by Nancy Leigh Demoss Wolgemuth. 

I hope this post was a blessing to you!

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!

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