Saturday, April 10, 2021

How to Build Up & Bless Your Home in 2021

Never has it been more important to build up godly homes than in the circumstances we are living in today!

And when the world is falling apart all around us, it is even more the reason to build up strong homes for the Lord.

Mothers, YOU build the culture in your homes. Preserve it, nourish it, and cultivate it. Don't let Satan rob you of this important job either.

Don't let fear and sin creep into your homes. Guard it, protect it, and watch and pray over it. Satan comes to steal kill and destroy and he wants your children and to destroy your marriage. Be sober and vigilant to stay in His Word. 

Recently I shared a post on our Facebook page asking for ways to build strong homes and here were some of the answers:

Be an encouragement to them serving them with a joyful heart and spirit. Help them to remember 1st Thessalonians 5:17-18 by exampling it. It will encourage you as well as them.  -Keely

I make sure to spend quality time individually with the members of our family. I make sure to build friendships with them. I pray for them. ~Liza

Pray for them, pray with kindness, teaching, and simple things like family traditions. - Judy

I am working on always having a gentle word for my grandchildren. - JulieBeth

Every morning I ask my husband what he wants me to do that day. Usually he doesn’t have any requests but occasionally, he will ask for a specific meal or a small chore. That request always goes to the top of my to do list. Also, I try to laugh with him everyday about something. -Kit

Every morning I ask my husband what he wants me to do that day. Usually he doesn’t have any requests but occasionally, he will ask for a specific meal or a small chore. That request always goes to the top of my to do list. Also, I try to laugh with him everyday about something. - Moranda

We purchased a grateful journal for my 5 year old to help him realize his blessings daily. We are also implementing starting and ending our day with prayer more consistently. ~Amber

I only have 1 grandchild, and each morning I send her a message telling her I love her and pray she has a day as awesome as she is. I also send like messages to other family members, but I especially want my 12 year old granddaughter to know that there is nothing she will face throughout her day that she and God can't handle, and that he's always as close as the mention of his name. - Mary

I like to write little notes in my husband’s lunch bag that I pack for him daily. I try to have a well organized house, a candle lit, and soft music playing when my boys arrive home from school. They have a snack I’ve prepped when they arrive and we talk about their day before the playing, chaos of life, dinner, baths, etc all start for the evening. - Judy F.

Always spend time in the word together, teach your children how to pray, teach your children to remember the bible and how to apply them to their life. Always express love to your children. The best gifts you can give your children is to remember they are children, pray for and with them, and let them see you showing love to their dad for example kissing and complimenting them in front of them and smiling. Also spend time talking with your children about what is bothering them with open communication during this time try hard to understand and teach them how to solve their problems by allowing them to think it through. Praying about all their problems together. God bless you all. - Deborah

You can find more on the lovely conversation HERE.

*A quick note--be sure to use discretion. While this is our Facebook page anyone is able to comment so please filter with the God's Word as the final authority! 

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I hope it is a blessing to you!


Jola said...

I'm so encouraged with what and how you write. It's always important, valid,and presented with grace, power and with amazingly simple words. Would you mind, if I translated some of your posts into Polish and shared it on Facebook?

Jola said...

Deser June,
I'm so encouraged with what and how you write. It's always important, valid,and presented with grace, power and with amazingly simple words. Do you mind, if I translate some of your posts into Polish and share it on Facebook adding link to your post, of course?

Jola said...

Please, let me know at

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Yes, Jola, feel free to and glad that it was a blessing to you!

Amy said...

Thank you! Looking for a good Christian fiction or autobiography/ biography for our church book club. Thanks!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Amy,

You're welcome and thanks for visiting!


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