Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Staying Home: Christian Movies to Watch

We have been given the gift of time with this quarantine.  Yes, I said gift. How have you been spending it? I know that for many it has been a very stressful time but many you are trying to make the best of it. Remember to just do what you can do day-by-day and know not to pressure yourself!

A relaxing way to use this time is to catch up with some Christian movies you might have missed watching in the past when you had a busier schedule. They will inspire you in faith and teach your children a lesson or two in character now that time has slowed and you can invest some time into it.

I've made a list for you here--some are oldies but goodies that you may have already watched but might want to revisit again. We did this recently with our younger set of teens who didn't remember watching them like the older ones had and they really enjoyed and were touched by them. Use caution for some that deal with heavier topics! Some of these deal with heavier adult topics so they might be better choice for a  "date night" movie with your spouse. A few are even true stories.



War Room


Facing the Giants

Like Arrows

God's Not Dead 

I Can Only Imagine

Mom's Night Out

I Still Believe


Left Behind

The Pilgrim's Progress

Faith Like Potatoes

The Drop Box

October Baby

Do You Believe

The Passion of the Christ

The Ten Commandments

The Case for Christ


End of the Spear 



The Grace Card

Do you have any you would add to this list?

Please share them with us in the comments below!

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!


Rachel L said...

I would add: Sheffy... Indescribable...and The Chosen series!!

Regina said...

I would like to add God's Compass. I watched it a couple of days ago and I liked it.

Lori said...

Remember the Goal

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Rachel,

I've only heard of The Chosen but heard mixed reviews--thanks for sharing!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Regina,

Thanks for sharing!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Rachel,

Thanks for the suggestion!


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