Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Penny Pinchin' Easy Flat Bread Recipe

Are you finding that it is hard to find bread these days?

Thankfully in our area it has been fine but I know that many of you are looking for easy bread ideas that are also cheap to make so I wanted to share this easy flatbread recipe with you that I found online that I really think you will love.


 2 cups flour
1 cup of lukewarm water (an extra 1/4 can be added as needed)
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil (butter or shortening could also be used)


Mix dry ingredients.

Add water until the consistency is like a tacky pizza dough then knead for 3 mins.

Rest dough in greased bowl for 30-60 min.

Divide in 6 pieces and flour your surface and roll it out to 1/8 "thick (like a tortilla) or 1/6" if you like it thicker.

Butter/oil a griddle and heat on 350 degrees until golden and you get brown spots then flip until done.

This make 6 servings.

You can save them in the fridge in a ziplock or freeze for later.

You can use these for all kinds of things like pizzas, roll-ups, tacos, or add butter and cinnamon sugar for a snack.

Here is a wonderful video on how to make Naan bread with just two ingredients using just self rising flour and greek yogurt!

Hope this recipe is a blessing to you!

Resources for this post and video link:

Rolling pin
Dough mixer

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!

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