Friday, March 6, 2020

Coronavirus Preparedness

I want to first begin post by sharing that we should act in wisdom and not fear.

God is certainly in control of everything and our trust is in Him.

We all have heard the news that the virus is here in the U.S. and nearly every media channel is sharing updates about it.

I just came back from a doctors visit and the first thing my doctor told me was that she stockpiled 6 months worth of toilet paper. I think she only has a family of four but said she wanted to be safe and would use it up any way. Another person said there was a line outside of their Costco with people actually fighting over bottle watered.

I, personally, have been keeping a watchful eye on the news and doing a little here and there too, and asking God to give us wisdom on how to be prepared just in case. Either way, it is always a good idea to have a little extra around the home in the event of a natural disaster, hard times, etc. as well if you are able to. I know that many of you already do that!

Now for some of you, this virus will mean stocking up a lot and for some that will mean doing a little or nothing at all (I know some of you don't believe they hype). You need to do what is best for you and your family. 

We definitely DO want to recommend the following:

1. Hand-washing - they say to do it thoroughly and long (you should sing the tune of Happy Birthday twice) and not to touch your face.

2. Staying out of large crowds if possible.

3. Keeping your distance/using good hygiene around the sick, and if you are sick to stay home.

My daughter was recently going to attend a popular fitness expo and it was quickly cancelled. They were expecting 250,000 and the state government shut it down a day and a half before it started! Many people who were flying in were pretty upset to get such a last minute notice, and can you imagine all the money that went it to hosting something on this scale?  But truly, I am just grateful that they are trying to protect everyone and avoid a situation where it could possible be spread quickly.

I also went to a local CVS yesterday and noticed they were very low on hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes. The last that you see on this shelf was gone when I left.

It is good to pick some up if you can find some for you family and bottled water too. Some people are even making sure they have a little extra:

Again--it is up to you what you feel is best for you family.

I did notice that our stores were doing a good job at keeping most things replenished when I was out on my food shop yesterday so that is good news. I know that is not the case in all states and that they are even limiting items using "two per person" signs.  Remember NOT to panic or become fearful but always trust in the Lord, be sure to take a break and turn off the news if you need to. Open up the Bible and meditate on some scripture to get your mind on His peace.

We recently decided to ask our large community of sweet ladies what they were doing to prepare and here are some of their answers. There were over 300 comments. Be sure to follow us there if you don't already to get updates you don't see here on the blog!

You can also find more helpful up to date information at the CDC website.

Ladies, most importantly, let's take this time to pray for our country, our leaders, the sick, and all those affected around the world. Let us also ask God for mercy and for the spread of this virus to end quickly.

Are you doing anything to prepare?

Please share what you are doing in the comments!

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!


Unknown said...

Skip the Face mask, and buy chorax clean up...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Yes, bleach works great too. Thanks for stopping by!


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