Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A Peek Inside My Life {and Where I Have Been}

I have been on a bit of a blogging break for the month of February. I have been praying a lot and spending much needed time with my family. The older that I get the more I know not to take family for granted and to cherish every minute you get. You just never know when things will change.

The picture above is of Steve and I celebrating Valentine's Day at Red Lobster. Two of our adult children were able to join us that day and it was fun to be with them. Now that everyone is older it is harder to connect so I am glad for when our schedules align. I always tell my husband how photogenic he is in pictures because I am just naturally not. 😂 It usually takes about 10 pics for me to find one good one! Every single one he takes comes out perfect and my oldest son is the same way.

Some of our family got the flu last month but I am so glad that is over. It seems like everyone in our community has got some kind of sickness or cold and it seems to have lasted longer this time around. When I walk through the supermarket I hear just about everyone coughing.  So glad that spring is finally on it's way--aren't you?

Here are a few things that I have been up to:


I have been getting into more of a schedule of working out at our Y. I love being on the track and just walking for miles. I especially love using that time to think and pray.

I recently bought this sports fanny pack to hold my water bottle and phone. It can also hold cards, keys, and earphones so you can be hands free while you walk--it's quite handy! The bottle holder is angled so it is good for running and it is very comfortable and light.

I actually even purchased some Apple AirPods too because they were on sale here at the lowest price I have ever seen.  And I knew if I did it, I would not only use them all the time but take my going to the gym more seriously, which I already have. I am SO glad I did because I just absolutely love them! Such a game changer and you don't have to deal with all the wires.


I recently rejoined the prayer team at our church. I used to be on it a long while back and just loved it. This time I joined the altar team part of the ministry and I am so grateful to have a chance to pray for someone who might need it every Sunday morning! We usually have a ton of people come up and they usually are in need of even more partners to pray over them.


I have been binge listening to Dave Ramsey lately and decided to pick up a book he kept mentioning from Anthony O Neal called Debt Free Degree. It is a good read if you have children planning on going to college and how to do it without student loans. I will do a post on this book later in case you haven't heard of it.

I am also reading through a few other books right now and will do a post of what I thought of them in the near future.


The season finally came to an end and the Varsity boys ended up with a second place trophy in one of the tournaments they played in. Even though it was busy we are kind of sad to see it go especially since it was the last year for our older son. We are celebrating their basketball banquet this week.

The JV team didn't win anything but we told our younger son that he had learned so much this year like learning a new sport, being part of a team,  learning how to handle winning and losing,  perseverance, diligence, and more. He agreed and is eagerly anticipating playing football and basketball again next season.


My sweet nephew's wife held a beautiful ballerina themed party for her daughter. It was so sweet and she put so much love into it-- here is some of her hard work that I was able to capture! She even had little tutus all lined up on hangers for our daughters when we walked in to put on and a wall decorated for photoshoots. I am pretty sure my nieces made the cookies by scratch too. They are such sweet gals and so loving with children.


We have been having a ton of the kid's friends over. The weather has been so nice they have been able to play volleyball and even have a bonfire! There is a young teen that comes over almost every day now that my boys have reconnected with now. He is not saved but we want to be able to be a positive influence to him.  He considers us like a second family. Please pray with us for him and that God would use us to be a light in the darkness for him.


I recently went to the dentist to get some minor work done and since then I have broken out into what looks like a skin allergy rash. Has anyone had this happen to them before? I am using this and this along with a steroid to relieve it but have an appointment to see the doctor for further testing.  I am trying to eliminate some things I think could be triggers. Would you also pray for me that it would go away quickly and not be serious? And for God to reveal what it could be from? Thanks, ladies, I know I could count on you.

I have so much to share with you this month--I also plan on talking about subjects that we haven't covered deeply before such as adult children, elderly parents, pushing through illness, rebuilding your family, Q and A's, healing, nurturing family and home life and so much more. If you have a topic you'd like me to cover please share it in the comments below!

Until then, sweet friends...💗

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!


Anonymous said...

It is nice hearing from you once again. Hope you are able to get your allergy under control.

Regina said...

Oh my goodness! You guys look way too young to have adult children! It looks like you were very busy this season. I wouldn't mind a topic on adult children. I have three daughters 25, 23 and 19. Sweet girls but I worry about losing them to world some times.

Deanna said...

You've been a busy Lady! The dental work with rash afterwards...was wondering if you had a fluoride treatment that maybe you're allergic to? Love the ballerina cookies. All the best! Spring is on her way and I'm singing hallelujah and a half.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to hear from you. Hope you and yours are feeling better. That ballerina party looks so pretty. The girls must have a had god time with all the goodies and decorations. Prayers for your healing from the dentist.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Marion,

I hope I am too--thanks so much for stopping by!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Regina,

On us looking too young--the picture taken in a dark restaurant so it didn't show all my gray hairs! My husband, however, seems to have tapped into a fountain of youth since he never seems to age--so I agree about him! I am looking forward to talking about adult children, my oldest daughter will be 28 this year!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Deanna,

Thanks for the flouride suggestion, we are not ruling anything out right now. I am more comfortable since being treated by the doctor but no one seems to know right now exactly what it is! I loved the cookies too and they were quite tasty!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Marilyn,

Thank you for praying for me--sometimes when you are going through a tough time it is easy to feel alone and then so comforting to hear that someone is actually praying! I am singing along with you about spring. It is supposed be in the 60's here this weekend! So excited and already planning to have people over to the house. Thanks for stopping by and many blessings to you!

Keeping The Tie That Binds said...

I have missed you this month! I am so glad to hear that everything is going good. I do hope that you get some relief as well as answers. Looking forward to reading your future posts!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Unknown,

Aww thank you--it's so nice to hear that I was missed! Thanks for caring and for visiting and I hope to get these new posts up soon!

Raquel N. said...

Hi June,

I have been reading your blog since oh my goodness,10 years. Thank you for your words and inspiration!

Take care,

Raquel N. said...

Hi June,

Just wanted to say hello! I have been reading your blog for over 10 years on and off and in the midst of this storm I turned to your site for the word. Thank you and stay safe!


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Raquel,

Thank you, sweet friend, so much for you kind words and for following so long! I am grateful that you are blessed here and hope you continue to stop by and visit us. May the Lord bless you and your family always!


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