Sunday, December 1, 2019

Christmas Shopping Help & Discounts!

christmas gifts


The very word brings joy to our hearts.

No matter how we may dread the rush,

the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given--

when Christmas Day comes

there is still the same warm feeling we had as children,

the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes.”

~Joan Brown

We know how hard it can be sometimes trying to get your Christmas shopping done, running a home, and trying to keep up with all your other responsibilities! So we have tried to make it easier for our readers by offering our Wise Woman Christmas Gift Guide 2019!

 Here are the companies that we have listed:

Starfish Project
Mary & Martha
Homemaker's Friend Daily Planner
Trust the Training Book
TruAra Beauty
and MORE!

Several of them are either Christian companies or by Christian consultants if you like to support Christian businesses and shopping online from the convenience of your home can be such a blessing!

You can view the official page for the NEW Wise Woman Christmas Guide 2019.

and find all of the discounts, sales, and coupons there too!

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