Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Bible Study Tools for the Whole Family

Are you looking to dig deeper into God's Word?

I remember all the late nights my husband would stay up late to study his Bible--whether it was to lead a Bible study, preach at the prison he was volunteering at, teach us as a family, or preach on Sunday morning -he would always have a huge spread of studying tools laid out on the kitchen table.

He taught us how to use the books and learn to understand God's Word on a deeper level. For that we are SO appreciative!

Now we know that you want to lay a strong foundation for you and your family and we want to help make it easier for you because we know that you are busy!

Here are a few tools that will help you in your journey:

1. Bible - this my favorite Bible that I personally use. Mine is leather bound,  personally monogrammed,  and nicely worn.

The Life Application Bible - the notes on this Bible is great!

Every Man's Bible - this is the Bible my second oldest son asked for when he graduated from high school.

The Artisan Collection Bible makes a pretty option for women:

My kids use regular Bibles along with this Action Bible (it is on sale right now!) that they love:

This one is a NIV for Teen Boys:

And this pink one for teen girls:

Coffee mug - find a good mug, some good coffee and tea, and get yourself set up and ready to study!

 Highlighters - these are the kind that are safe for Bible pages and won't bleed or fade over time.

Sticky Notes - to save pages and cross reference

Some people like to use these handy sticky note notepads that have dividers.

My husband bought this Bible for me over a decade ago and now it is well worn! We also use the ESV Study Bible too.

 I bought this as a gift for my husband a while back and we use it all the time, a very valuable resourceSytematic Theology by Wayne Grudem

We also own The Wycliffe Bible Commentary The Dictionary of Theology and The Zondervan Exhaustive Concordance among a few other books that I will share later but these are the main ones we use. I must warn you, these books are several pounds and about 4 inches thick but don't be intimidated by their size! I also refer to online site like this and this one to help when I am studying online.

If you are looking for a sound book on doctrine that isn't overwhelming, I used this one when I got saved and was taught under the pastor who mentored my husband:


Bible Concordance -

Bible Maps, Charts, & Timelines

Bible tabs - I used these with the kids and myself and they make such a big difference! I highly recommend them for every family. In fact, I was gong to do a post earlier in the year just about these only!

-Bible Cover - to protect it from wearing out of the covers coming loose.

-Bible Bookmark - in case your Bible didn't come with one or you need it for one of the books you are studying with.

How to Study the Bible books are helpful:

How To Study the Bible- Dwight L. Moody

Women of the Word - by Jen Wilkin

Notebook Journal - this is a great place to jot down what you studied and your notes.

Prayer Journal - you can put your prayers for the day inside one of these and keep a running list of who you are praying for.

(these journals in 5 different stkyles can be found HERE.)

You could put it all in a storage basket like this and wrap it as a gift basket:

Remember, the most important thing is to get in the Bible and study it. Dwell in it, meditate on it, pray on it, and always ask God for His wisdom.

May God bless you as you seek to know His heart on a deeper level!

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." 

~2 Timothy 2:15

What else would you add to this list?

Please share in the comments below!

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!

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