Thursday, March 7, 2019

Little House on the Prairie ~ All 9 Seasons Now on Amazon Prime Video!

If you are a fan of the Emmy Award-winning television show Little House on the Prairie from the 1970's, you will be happy to know that all NINE seasons are now available on Amazon Prime Video, so if you are an Prime Member you can watch these all for free!

If you are not an Amazon Prime Member and would like to sign up, you may do so HERE.

The Little House on the Prairie show was based on the original Laura Wilder children classic books.

Which include:

Little House in the Big Woods
Farmer Boy
 Little House on the Prairie
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By the Shores of Silver Lake
The Long Winter
Little Town on the Prairie
These Happy Golden Years 
The First Four Years

Which, by the way,  the popular volume set pictured above is almost half off right now! 😱 So if you don't own it now is a great time to get it!

One of our sweet readers mentioned that they'd like to know how to add this to their homeschooling day and create a fun learning experience from it. You might be interested in the following:

The Little House Crafts Book
The Little House Cook Book
The Little House Paper Dolls
The Prairie Primer - a literature based Unit Study
Little House costumes for girls
Little House picture books - for younger children
Little House History Kit
Little House 18" Dolls
Little House 18" Doll Accessories

This is a wonderful, wholesome show to watch with your kids especially during these cold, chilly days of winter. Snuggle up with a warm blanket and break out the popcorn!

Happy viewing!


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1 comment:

Regina said...

I loved Little House on the Prairie. I always looked forward to when it was on. I confess I didn't realize Laura Ingalls Wilder was a real person until I started homeschooling and going through the Prairie Primer. I used the Prairie Primer for my older girls. I found a preschool version for my youngest daughter.

Though I love LHOTP, I would use caution on the episode where a young girl is violated resulting pregnancy.


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