Friday, April 21, 2017

How to Become a Titus 2 Woman

There is a great need for women to mentor other women in today's church. Women need guidance from firmly planted woman who know God's Word, who are steadfast in their faith, and are not afraid to lovingly share it.

A Titus 2 woman in the Bible is described as:

  • reverent in behavior
  • not slanderers or slaves to wine
  • teaching what is good
  • training young women to love their husbands
  • training young women to love their children 

And to be self controlled, pure, busy at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands so that the word of God is not reviled.

They also need women who will be willing to share their time to reach out to these women in their lives to make a difference.

I know for me that every time I prayed for a Titus 2 mentor the Lord brought one. Sometimes He made me wait though, and that waiting period was good because it taught me to rely on Him and not put someone else on a pedestal. He also brought online mentors and mentors through books as well. What a blessing it was!

If you are interested in growing into becoming a Titus 2 woman take time to read your Bible, understand it, and serve others with a heart of love and humility. Love your husband and family so that you are doing exactly what you would want other women to do and do not neglect them for sake of ministry.

There are so many great stories of women in the Bible who used what they had to minister to others, I encourage you to study them first and let God show you through His Word what He values!

Throughout my journey I have also found several other helpful books on this topic. Here are some that might be an encouragement to you as well:

1. Becoming a Titus 2 Woman by Martha Peace

It has been 17 years since this book has challenged mature Christian women to mentor younger wives and mothers. This expanded version includes valuable Appendices that will give the mentoring relationship eternal significance. It is still popular as an individual study or in small groups.

2. Spiritual Mothering by Susan Hunt

This book presents a fully biblical and extremely practical vision for intergenerational ministry so that women of all ages can know the blessing of spiritual mother-daughter relationships.
For many churches, women's ministries, and women's Bible study groups, the missing element of discipleship is the interpersonal aspect. Titus 2:3-5 clarifies what mature spiritual relationships between generations of women should look like. Susan Hunt unveils how to put that model into action with stories of biblical and contemporary women who have responded to God's call, as well as page after page of personal encouragement, practical insight, and ministry-tested how-to's.
Through this wisdom-packed book, churches, groups, and individuals will be equipped to reach across generational lines-and inspired to experience the blessing of nurturing, godly relationships so that every Christian woman may flourish in her faith.

3. Adorned by Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth

Woman to woman. Older to younger. Day to day. Life to life.This is God’s beautiful plan.
The Titus 2 model of older women living out the gospel alongside younger women is vital for us all to thrive. It is mutually strengthening, glorifies God, and makes His truth believable to our world.
Imagine older women investing themselves in the lives of younger women, blessing whole families and churches. Imagine young wives, moms, and singles gaining wisdom and encouragement from women who’ve been there and have found God’s ways to be true and good. Imagine all women—from older women to young girls—living out His transforming gospel together, growing the entire body of Christ to be more beautiful.
This is Christian community as God designed it. Read this book and take your relationships to new depths, that your life might find its fullest meaning as you adorn the gospel of Christ.

I hope these books are a blessing to you like they were to me!


We would love to invite you to our Wise Woman Builds Titus 2 Facebook Group! 

Whether you are looking for a mentor, need godly advice or want to give it and share your experiences to bless others by being an older woman there we would love for you to join and be blessed & encouraged in our special community.

We look forward to seeing you over there!

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