Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A Peek into My Life

I promised I would try to keep these "Peek into My Life" posts so here is the latest that has been going on with me!

We recently attended my nieces sweet sixteen party and it was so fun--full of extended family, laughter, and dancing. We all had a great time! Here are some of the sweets that my nieces made, they did such a great job:

This cake was huge and was able to feed over 150 people. It was a white cake mixed with one side with cannoli and the other side fudge.  I actually shared an Instastory over at Instagram of the party (my daughter showed me how to do it) and now I think I've got the hang of it!

I also think I may have figured out why I keep not feeling good. I am wondering if I have a mild case of anemia. I am starting to take iron pills again and have been feeling so amazing lately! I pray and hope that it continues. I have been using the one below:

My family also attended our favorite annual Father Daughter Dinner Banquet. They had good fun and I am grateful that they had time to bond. This year it was little Isabella's first time to go. She two and a half now. Hasn't she grown?

I just love her dress.  I had almost bought this one at Costco which was so pretty too:

But then I found the pink rose petal dress at Once Upon a Child (my favorite store) with the tags still on them! The tags were from Macy's and the dress was originally $75. I paid $9.50! I love when I can find something I love at a great deal!

The whole family had SO much fun taking her! I really appreciate these banquets (hosted by some sweet friends of ours) --there is food, dancing, photoshoot, gifts, and a Christian speaker to encourage the dads. This year it was Todd Wilson from Family Man Ministries. Bella tied with another little girl for being one of the youngest attendees so Dad won this prize--A Dad's Prayer for His Daughters.

I will try to share more photos of this event in a future post!

Last week you would have been proud of me--- I broke out my new Elite Pressure Cooker and actually used it. I have to admit I only used the slow cooker function but it was a good chance to get familiar with it and this week I might try to use it to make beans, rice, or sweet potatoes. I heard meat takes a bit of practice so I might save that for later. I have been watching videos so I really think I can do this pressure cooking thing soon! (Don't laugh at me you pressure cooking pros!)

And finally, I also have been busy putting some of the finishing touches on the NEW Wise Woman Builds Titus 2 Facebook Group --yesterday we did HUSBAND BLESSINGS. This is where we share some things that we noticed our husband has been doing throughout the week and share them and remind ourselves to praise and thank him when we see him. We don't want all those little things to no unnoticed --it is great for growing a heart of thankfulness towards our husbands. Here is the graphic we use below:

It has grown quite a bit and we are loving this little community of sweet ladies and fellowship. You are welcome to come join us there, we think you will be blessed!

So what have you been doing this past week?

Share below in the comments!

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing a peek into your life. Isabella is a beauty.

Uphill Homestead said...

Love the cake! Look forward to the husband blessings.

Shellie Almond said...

I loved your post ! Your sweet daughters dress was beautiful ! Just like her!i will be praying you continue to feel well and the iron pills help! Thank you for the glimpse into you life! Hope you have a blessed week!


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