Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Well-Fitted for the World's Battle

I have been busy planning our homeschool year and recently stumbled across these wise words from Spurgeon that is a very timely reminder as we get back to our studies:

"It is very grievous to see how some professedly Christian parents are satisfied so long as their children display cleverness in learning, or sharpness in business, although they show no signs of a renewed nature. If they pass their examinations with credit and promise to be well fitted for the worlds battle, their parents forget that there is a superior conflict, involving a higher crown, for which the child will need to be fitted by divine grace and armed with the whole armor of God. Alas, if our children lose the crown of life, it will be but a small consolation that they have won the laurels of literature or art.

Many who ought to know better think themselves superlatively blessed in their children if they become rich, if they marry well, if they strike up into profitable enterprises in trade, or if they attain eminence in the profession which they have espoused. Their parents will go to their beds rejoicing and awake perfectly satisfied, thought their boys are hastening down to hell, if they are also making money by the bushel. They have no greater joy than their children are having their portion in this life and laying up treasure where rust corrupts it. Though neither their sons nor daughters show any signs of the new birth, give no evidence of being rich toward God, manifest no traces of electing love, or redeeming grace or the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit, yet there are parents who are content with their condition. "

Read the entire sermon HERE.

Such a convicting reminder to keep first things first.

Wouldn't you agree?

 And to continue sharing Christ with our children through our teaching, love, and grace while trusting Him and leaving it in His hands the time and day when they will get saved.

Let's stop and pray for our children right now and say a special prayer for their salvation and for their souls and also consider praying daily if you don't already do so!

It doesn't have to be elaborate--just keep it simple:

Dear Lord,

I pray for my children and their salvation. That they would learn to love you more than anything in this world and that they would keep you first in their lives. Help me to continue to teach them about You in patience and in love showing them the hope you gave to us all when you died on the cross. Thank you for the gift of salvation and help me to be diligent and not grow weary as I share about you because I know it is a battle for their souls.  Please also bring others into their lives that will do the same. Thank you so much. In Christ's name I pray this. Amen. 

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