Thursday, June 16, 2016

How to Deal with Depression

There are so many things that can contribute to depression in a person's life.

Just recently we had gotten some life changing news about my dad. I could clearly see how, due to different circumstances in life, that people--even Christians, could fall into depression. Thankfully, there was a turn of events and things turned out for the better. But that brush with was a sobering eye opener about how easily things can change in a person's life.

Now I know that not everyone has a happy ending to their story. And things happen and then they find themselves where they did not want to be.


  • stress
  • life events
  • lifestyle
  • the way we think
  • sin
  • sickness

I mentioned in an earlier post that I had the opportunity to hear a great sermon to help us understand depression better and how to combat it. I am sharing it with you so that if you do struggle with it or someone you know does, that you might find answers or some help here. He also has a thick Scottish accent that you might enjoy!

He shares some points that I will list here for you to read in case you don't have time to watch this (but I highly recommend that you do).


REGULAR ROUTINE: When a person is depressed they are inclined to only do what they want to do--sleep or eat when and how they want. Restoring order and discipline is very important and regular sleeping, eating, and working patterns can help build self esteem and help a person to feel useful.

RESTORATION: Find time to relax is a must. It is important to calm down, pause, and seek God.

RECREATION: Getting exercise in important and has been proven to help balance the chemicals in your body for a healthier you all around. Sun exposure can do the same as well.

REST: Be mindful to set regular sleeping patterns and to get enough sleep. Many people like to stay up late into the night doing all kinds of things but it is more helpful to get the sleep that they need instead to go without . It is vital that the mind and body gets that time to rest and recharge.

REPRIORITIZING: Are you overwhelmed with priorities and obligations? Then you need to look at your schedule and reexamine what needs to stay and what needs to go. Check all the important areas of your life such as family, work, church, community and so forth.

CORRECTING FALSE THOUGHTS: Often times during depression there are false thoughts that need to be replaced and challenged with Scripture. We can see an example of this in Psalm 77.

CORRECTING YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE - Praying, reading your Bible, going to church, staying in fellowship are all still important so don't neglect them but also don't set too high of a goal that you become overwhelmed or more depressed.

VISITING YOUR DOCTOR - Sometimes feelings of depression can be linked to real physical illness so we don't want to neglect this area regarding our bodies and treatment and we can receive to get better, so it might also be a good idea to checked out if you think something like this could be related.

You can find several of these tips and more helpful advice in his book. Dave Murray, the speaker above, has written a book titled, Christians Get Depressed Too, that can be found at Amazon.

"Many Christians mistakenly believe that true Christians don't get depressed, and this misconception heaps additional pain and guilt onto Christians who are suffering from mental and emotional distress. Author David P. Murray comes to the defense of depressed Christians, asserting that Christians do get depressed! He explains why and how Christians should study depression, what depression is, and the approaches caregivers, pastors, and churches can take to help those who are suffering from it. With clarity and wise biblical insight, Dr. Murray offers help and hope to those suffering from depression, the family members and friends who care for them, and pastors ministering to these wounded members of their flock."

It is available for Kindle and Paperback.

Obviously we can't cover everything we would like on this topic in a blog post but we hope that what is here is a starting point for you!

Finally, we wanted to share some Bible verses to encourage you:

"Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God."  Psalm 43:5

"I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8

Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:25-6

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:6-8

Do you or someone you know struggle with depression?

What has helped you? Please share in the comments below.

Also, if you are struggling and need prayer, please share in the comments as well so we can pray for you!

*This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!


Anonymous said...

Thank you. I would desire your prayers for me as depression has been nearly a lifelong battle for me.

Unknown said...

Thank you for out for this post. I also really got a lot out of the speakers words. God bless you for the work you do.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

We will definitely pray for you!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

I am glad that it was a blessing to you!

Anonymous said...

This is so important! So many of God's women struggle with postpartum depression, or PTSD from various forms of abuse, etc. You should re-read the story of Elijah (after God defeated the prophets of Baal) -- so encouraging! Big win, right? Elijah should have been thrilled, but instead the level of spiritual warfare and threat that came at him through Jezebel drove him into the deepest depression. He wanted to die. Same with Job. He wished to never have been born. The spiritual warfare against him was so intense, that he ended up in mourning in an ash heap, scraping himself with stones -- and his wife shows heavy signs of depression as well. Notice Job didn't call her a foolish woman for suggesting cursing God -- Job told her she was like one -- in other words, normally she was not like a foolish woman -- all that warfare from Satan had gotten to her and to Job both. The stories of Elijah and Job show sometimes Christians have depression sent against them from then enemy, just because they're doing something right -- obedience to God.d

Or read the Psalms of David -- if anyone recorded battles with depression! Goodness! It almost reads like he wrote the first half of some of the Psalms in the darkest moments, and then went back and added the second half later, back when he was in his right mind. Who could live a life like David's and not end up depressed, right? One complete betrayal after another, the deaths of beloved sons. :-/ And with David, it wasn't always because he was being righteous -- he stands as a hero and also an example of a hero who fell the deep fall and yet received the unexpected and unparalleled love and forgiveness we're offered from our adoring heavenly Father. Redeemed heroes. That's what the Bible is. Redeemed heroes, full of depression. Jeremiah, Moses, Jonah -- they all show signs of it. (Especially Jeremiah! The fellow wrote a book called Lamentations, for Goodness sakes!) People sometimes treat the struggle with depression like it is a sin (we all sin, after all), but really, it's actually a temptation to sin, not a sin in and of itself. It's the enemy's thought-call to intentionally lose hope, if you choose to, instead of hold onto Christ amidst sadness. It's only a sin if you except the temptation and run with it (we all do, really), but truly, I think the enemy is so cruel, he'll sit there and send that temptation at one of God's people for a week straight, it seems -- or a month, or a year, just out of pure meanness. Some folks are just up against that attack more than others, and sometimes it has NOTHING to do with their sin, and everything to do with the enemy feeling threatened by their righteous walk with the Lord.


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