Monday, June 20, 2016

A Father's Heart for His Children: 5 Pieces of Advice

Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day as a family and enjoyed a nice calm, relaxing day together. This year was more sobering because both grandfathers had medical issues, so it made my husband really think about the vision that he wanted to leave and share with his children and made sure that they knew. 

He wrote them down and shared them on Facebook and then held a family meeting after dinner and read them off so that each of the children would know them.  Here is what he shared:

"Today marks my 24th year of being a father, and the older I get, the simpler my desires get for my children.

1. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind.

2. Be a man or woman of integrity.

3. Work hard and don't look for an easy out.

4. Marry well. Not all that glitters is gold. The Lord looks at the heart and so should you.

5. Pass on your faith to my grandchildren.

Happy Father's day men! ‪#‎generationalfatherhood‬"

He explained each one in depth and even threw some jokes in between but I think the most important part was that he shared his heart and love for each one of them. I love how they listened intently and I like to think and hope that these words would come back to them all through the days of their lives as they live and make decisions for their future. I am grateful for a man who is not afraid to share his heart with his kids.

I encourage you today that if you have something on your heart to share with your children to do it.

Don't wait. It doesn't have to be complicated. Simple is good too.

The time we have with them is not guaranteed tomorrow.

Each day is a gift from our Savior.

Hold each child close to your heart.

Don't waste this precious time you have with them!

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