I know that we are all on this journey to live better and eat healthier for our families. We want to create a healthier environment and for the overall well-being of those we dearly love.
I am one of those who are learning right beside you.
I have mentioned in the past few months our changes such as going gluten free this past year and how much better we feel. We are not sick any longer and it feels amazing!
I just had my 44th birthday this past July and I am totally aware that I need to take care of this body that God has entrusted to me. I am making every effort to transfer that into healthier living for my family as well.
So you can imagine how excited I was when this box arrived:
I had recently ordered the Young Living Premium Starter Kit and it arrived here quite quickly.
There were so many goodies inside!
For a long time I was pretty skeptical about using oils---you see, I just don't jump on the bandwagon for anything until I see results.
Then one day two of my children had occasional allergy-like symptoms and someone mentioned the Peppermint Oil and from that day I was sold. So I took the time to do some research---actually A LOT of research and felt encouraged to move forward using them.
But back to the box---I ordered the kit so I could get to try several oils at once and start building my supply. I was so pleased to see how many different varieties there were:

The bottles are so pretty and they have also been updated since I received this shipments so that you can actually see how much oil is on the inside (you can see a picture below of the new bottle).
There were lots of extras:
(I wish I had my camera when I took these pictures but my daughter,
the budding photographer, had it at the time I took these. My phone
doesn't do these justice!)
This is a Young Living Oil diffuser:
I love mine! I especially like using it at night when I am nursing the baby, since it also has a low light like a nightlight when it is on so I can see her and she can see me. Little Isabella loves that and falls right to sleep.
They also just came out with a few different kind of diffusers, even one just for kids! I wish I had know that before I bought a second one just for them (they were always coming into my room and borrowing mine). But I really like how the one below looks like a budding rose.
Right now my favorite oil to diffuse is Stress Away---especially after a long day! Do you have a favorite or one that you have been wanting to try?
I am excited about sharing more about our families journey towards wellness and health and more about how we are doing that through easy lifestyle changes that include these oils and can't wait to share more with you!
How to Buy Essential Oils
If you are interested in buying essential oils here are some easy steps I've included to show you how:
1. Visit the website HERE.
2. Select "Member" for membership type.
3. Enter my number 2893773 --it should just pop up for you automatically.
4. Fill in your country & language.
5. Click next.
6. Fill out the shipping information then agree to the terms and the click continue.
7. Place your order (I strongly recommend the Premium Starter Kit --it has the greatest value for your purchase) and you will get free bonus materials sent to you! And right now, for a limited time, they are having a sale to get them for $10 off the regular price!
8. If you purchase a starter kit please contact me at wisewomanads@gmail.com so that I can send you your freebies!
Easy peasy!
And if you have any questions just email me at wisewomanads@gmail.com and I would be more than happy to answer your questions!
Member #2893773
You can find diffusers on Amazon. I bought a small one for $40 that I use in addition to the one that came in my starter kit. It's the perfect size to use in my bedroom while I keep my Young Living diffuser in our main living space.
YES, I LOVE my oils as well and has been such a blessing to my family...Thieves is one of my favorites to diffuse right now, ahhhh, it smells so good. I ordered because I had read up on them helping children to focus, and I have a son that needed HELP! What a life changer it was to us in our homeschooling journey. :) God Bless.
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