Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wise Woman Linkup!

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home is a place to be encouraged in your high and noble calling of role of wife and mother and daughter to the King and we want to encourage each and every single reader out there to build up strong Christian homes to the glory of God.

We would love for you to link up with us---share your posts on  building up your home, homemaking, character, hospitality, femininity, family, tea, recipes, parenting, marriage, homeschooling, and whatever else you'd like to share that would encourage our community. Feel free to also share more than one post!
Now if you do join our link up we only require one thing-- PLEASE share the image below on your blog and link back so that others can find us and join in the fun or just simply paste and copy the code into your blog sidebar or at the bottom of the post that you shared here:

Now on with our linkup:


momstheword said...

I love Monday's post and that quote by D.A. Carson. Such powerful words. "We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance." I remember talking to a bunch of teenagers once about some stuff they had posted on facebook, and I told them that they were so busy "tolerating" everything that they were having difficulty being a light to their world! Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting today!

Ashley @ 3 Little Greenwoods said...

Thanks so much for hosting your fun party! I always love seeing what everyone is creating/cooking!

~ Ashley

Rosilind Jukic said...

Thank you for hosting each week! Have a great week!

Lisa Ziemer said...

Thank you for this page:) The LORD has shown me I need to build. So I've asked, " build a house? Build up in spitit"? Great things, He has to show me, very excited!!!! My first lesson, pray hard and serious for my husband; not just Lord be with my husband, but from head to toe protection. This first lesson has made a major change in our family:) Thank You Jesus!!!! The music playing now on your sight blessed me today. The songs were played at my wedding. Let me introduce myself; My name is Lisa Ziemer, mother of 8. First husband died at 34 years of age, and the man I'm married to now his wife died at the age of 35. The Lord has worked miracles on this journey, and I'm excited to share His works in my life:)

Girl4God28 said...

Thank you for hosting! Love this link up :)


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