Thursday, February 20, 2014

Special Announcement: New eBook Coming Soon - Calling on Reviewers and Sponsors!

We cannot even *begin* to tell you how excited we are around here---if you have been keeping up with us on Facebook you know that we have just finished up our NEW eBook, How to Build a Strong Christian Home,  and we are now ready to launch next week!

Here is a sneak peek at the brand new cover:

But there a few things we need to accomplish before we launch--we are looking for a few more Christian bloggers to do reviews! So if you are interested in doing a review (which includes a FREE copy for you and optional giveaway of the eBook on your blog plus affiliate program) then fill out the form below:

eBook Review Form

Space is limited so please sign up as soon as possible! 

Also, something new we are doing this launch is we are going to allow sponsors to contribute to our exciting launch bundle giveaway! So if you would like to take advantage of possibly being  a part of this bundle giveaway, exposing your brand/product(s) potentially up to 185, 000 of our readers via subscribers and social media combined FOR FREE, then fill out this form below to be considered:

Book Launch Bundle Giveaway Form

We can't promise we will use everyone---again space is limited!

We are specifically looking for products that might suit a wife/mom/ homemaker or has a "home' theme that will go along with our new eBook (but not required).

Thank you so much for your interest,
we look forward to hearing from you!


LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

This topic is of special interest to me, as my husband is not a practicing Christian.

Beth Cranford said...

I'm interested in submitting some titles for your giveaway but I don't see the form.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Beth,

Thanks for visiting!

The form is here:

Many blessings...


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