Monday, February 3, 2014

Do You Have Eternity Stamped on Your Eyeballs?

Only two things are eternal:  God's Word and souls.

Oh that we would get fresh perspective in the mundane and see the spilled milk in light of eternity. 

Oh that as mothers we would perceive our position as one of everlasting significance!

The fingerprints on the glass...

The mountains of laundry...

The corrections that are repeated and repeated and repeated...

The baby in the highchair, the toddler learning to use the potty, the young man that is learning to push himself further than he thought he could go, the older daughter that is making decisions that will frame the rest of her life who needs mother's guidance.

Don't be misled--these are eternal matters.  They are the small things, the layers, that make up the big picture. Each day in our homes we are called to be faithful to the task of nurturing these little souls that will last forever.

Don't lose sight of it.  They need our love, they need our focused attention, they need us to depend on the Lord's strength to sacrifice our own desires for theirs instead.

They need us to set our minds on things above, not on things of the earth.

God, stamp eternity on our eyeballs.

Bambi Moore is the helpmeet to her husband of almost two decades.  Together they are raising nine children, ages pre-born to 18, for the glory of God. She is also the author of More Than Rules: Exploring the Heart of Beauty and Modesty.  Bambi blogs about marriage, motherhood and family discipleship at In the Nursery of the Nation.  You can also connect with her on Facebook or Pinterest.


Tamika C. said...

A friend and I have a weekly prayer call on Monday mornings. Today the subject of eternity came up and we prayed that God would help us to keep our focus on eternity. We both have children and this post fit right in with our prayer! Thanks!

Shelly said...

Thank you for putting the seemingly mundane into perspective.

Jessica said...

Love this!! Thanks for the reminder !:)

Sarah D. said...

Beautiful reminder.


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