Saturday, November 30, 2013

Exciting Updates: Extension on Lilla Rose Sale *AND* 20% Off Coupon Code for Truth in Tinsel!

Friends, I wanted to thank each and everyone of you for your support in placing orders for the Lilla Rose Blowout Black Friday sale. It turns out Lilla Rose had some seriously HEAVY TRAFFIC yesterday and the server didn't work correctly for some who were trying to place their orders- so they are apologizing for any inconvenience and extending the sale ONE MORE DAY!

That includes FREE SHIPPING for orders $50+, sale of up to 50% off, free shipping on consultant kits, buy three get one free (if you are a new customer to Lilla Rose (you must buy through my site, June Fuentes, and limit one per household!). Don't forget the newly released "Ode to Joy" clip too:

The sale will now continue through Sunday and end at midnight (PST)! Woohoo!

 Remember, they also carry lovely hairsticks, headbands, flexi-ohs, u-pins, bobby pins and more.

You can get to our Lilla Rose website HERE.

Also, some of you are very excited about  Truth in Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands which starts the first day of December (tomorrow) that our family will be starting tomorrow and would just love for you to join us! Well, I contacted the author and she generously gave us a discount of 20% off if you use the code: WISEWOMAN. Remember, this code is for the eBook only and not the optional printables ornaments or curriculum.

This definitely helps in keeping the true meaning of Christmas before our children and reinforces the scriptures they are learning. 

You can watch a video and learn more about how it works HERE in more detail.

or just BUY IT NOW.

I truly hope these sales end up really blessing you and your families for the holidays!

{Note: The above post contains affiliate links of which we earn a small amount that goes towards the support and growth of this ministry--thank you so much!}

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