Monday, November 25, 2013

Get a Jump Start on Teaching Your Children the True Meaning of Christmas While Creating Fun and Cherished Memories

In five days we will be full fledged into the month of December. Yes, I said FIVE.  Thanksgiving which will approach in a blink of an eye and I certainly know that on every mom's heart there is a huge desire to keep the true meaning of the holidays in front of our families before we are quickly ushered into the season, not to getting too caught up in just the material aspect of it all, but to REALLY take the time to lovingly pass down the legacy of our Savior to our children.

If you are looking for something fun for young ones to do this year you might want to consider Truth in Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands:

This is a practical eBook that shares planned out daily devotionals to read with the kids that are combined with doing easy crafts that reinforce what has been taught that are used as ornaments to adorn your Christmas tree! So all through the month they can look at what they made and remember the Scriptural truths as the weeks and days go by. Isn't that a blessing?

What is nice is that everyone knows how busy it can get in December--this ebook is designed to help accommodate that (it is very simple) and even offers flexibility in the lessons so that you can do it on your own schedule, choosing which crafts you'd prefer. You could even do them all in one day if you'd like! 

Here is the author explaining how it works:

(note: please turn off the music in the sidebar first)

Since I am a not-so-crafty-Mama-with-little-time, I also bought the Truth in Tinsel Printable Ornaments which is handy because if things get too busy we can just print out some premade ornaments that coincide with the days Scripture, they color it, and voila--it's done!

I am really looking forward to doing these crafts with them on my own schedule and making special memories with little hands (they won't be small forever, you know!).

If you'd like to join us in five days, you can pick up a book HERE.

Don't wait--plan something extra special and fun to do with them this year!!!

{Note: If you purchase through our affiliate links above, we get a small amount back that goes towards supporting the growth and ministry of this blog!}

Oh, and I nearly forgot to share with you-- speaking of the winter fun--did you know that the NEW Lilla Rose December flexiclip, Winter Wonder, was released early this year just for you? It is so pretty, especially for those who adore snowflakes:

They are in stock for a limited time while supplies last (the Autumn Ruby Bouqet is already sold out.) Don't forget we are also offering a special holiday offer of BUY THREE GET ONE FREE if you buy through our site (June Fuentes) with a limit of one per household. Coupon will be sent via snail mail.

You can find the pretty new Winter flexiclips HERE. 

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addietx said...

Can I buy this but my daughter-in-law download it onto their iPad? This sounds exactly what she was telling me she wanted for their little one.

addietx said...

Or the easiest would be, just to give her my credit card info and let her buy it.


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