Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Funny Peek Into Our Home

As a family of ten you definitely  get to enjoy lots of fun times around our home. Here is a funny, yet sweet, conversation that took place just recently between my oldest daughter and one of my twins:

Josiah, six years old bursts into song singing- "Let me call you sweetheart, I'm in love with you!"

Janai, 20 years old- "Siah, where is that song from?"

Josiah- "Green Gobbler!"

Janai- "Umm.... Green Gobbler?"

Josiah- "Yes, don't you remember that girl with the red hair and that house?"

Janai- "Ohhh.... Anne of Green Gables?"

Josiah- "Yes!"

Janai- "I knew it wasn't green gobbler....."

Another funny peek: The King Is Exalted

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Anonymous said...

That's adorable!

I've been reading your blog for over three years and for some strange reason, the knowledge of you having twins escaped me!

We love Anne of Green Gables!

Unknown said...

Oh my word! The joy that children bring!! and they don't even do it on purpose!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

My son, Joshua, says things all the time that just crack us up! I always think that we need to write it all down so we don't forget it!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Yes, I don't post as much on them very often but will mention them here and there. Here is a post a did awhile back when they were little:


Many blessings...


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