Monday, September 3, 2012

The "Perfect" Titus 2 Woman

The perfect Titus 2 Woman is...

 not the supermom you see on the cover of mom magazines doing it all.

She is the humble woman.

The gracious woman that comes along side you.

 The woman that is always pointing toward the Lord and not to herself.

The woman who has been through the battle and now wants to share what she has learned by showing you her battle scars. She makes mistakes and shares her imperfections to exalt Him and encourage you.

The woman that loves you unconditionally.

The woman that doles out mercy to all those around here and it  overflows.

The woman that has served privately, without recognition, behind four walls.

The woman who will slow down her day to tend to the ones who matter.

Her arms are always welcoming, always beckoning,  always loving-- smoothing over rough edges with her words of peace.

She is always hoping, always building others up.

She gets on her knees and prays for you.

Lord, we need your strength to be this woman. This imperfect picture of beauty- a real woman who humbly loves you.

A ray of light of Your love on earth.

Thank you, Lord, for the godly women you placed in our lives and

for the godly women you are shaping us to be...

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Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post this morning! I needed to be reminded of this as a wife, mother of 5 and a grandchild. May He bless us to become more like the Titus woman!
God Bless you!!
from Georgia

Joyfulmomof6 said...

Hi June-
I love this post!
Ten years ago, the Lord answered my prayer for a Titus 2 Mentor. She has taught me so much. One of the key lessons I learned from her is to not be so busy with "busy-ness" outside the home (even "church" serving can be this sometimes) so you won't miss the Lord when HE send a person your way who needs encouragement, prayer, etc.
I know how much her availability has meant to me. She doesn't live close by any more, so we keep in touch by phone. Even though she only has one child still in the home (the others have graduated homeschooling) she hasn't filled up her time with outside pursuits (there is a time and place for that; I'm talking about excessiveness). She is such an amazing example to me. She is not perfect, but is always transparent about her mistakes, telling me "you can learn from my mistakes".
If you long for a Titus 2 Mentor, keep on asking the Lord. He is faithful, and the mentoring is His Idea in the first place! If you are an older woman in the Lord looking to mentor someone, don't be discouraged- ask Him to match you up. There are plenty of younger women who would welcome your input.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Georgia,

I agree!

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Joyfulmom of 6,

It is such a blessing to have godly women in your life. I am inspired by the ones I have in mine, especially when they are transparent and real.

Many blessings...


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