Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Grasping for Riches & Wise Woman Linkup!

 "It is not what we take up, 

but what we give up 

that make us rich."

-Henry Ward Beecher

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home is a place to be encouraged in your high and noble calling of role of wife and mother and daughter to the King and we want to encourage each and every single reader out there to build up strong Christian homes to the glory of God.

We would love for you to link up with us---share your posts on  building up your home, homemaking, character, hospitality, femininity, family, tea, recipes, parenting, marriage, etc. we would love to have you share it with us!

If you link up here please use the image below or link back to let others know that you have linked up here so that they might join in the fun and be encouraged as well:

It's easy--just copy and paste the code in this box!


ranch 3 bedroom house plans said...

Thanks for sharing these words of wisdom.

Laurie Collett said...

I love the photo & quote! Thanks for hosting this lovely community, & God bless,

Jacqueline said...

Good morning, June!! Blessings to you today!

Anonymous said...


Just wondering where to find those adorable girl dresses? They are soo feminine!


Jenni@MomEssentials.Net said...

Thanks for letting me share my own recipe of healthy, tasty and delicious
Easy Dried Kale Chips!

Here’s the link:


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