Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's Here! The Heart of Simplicity: Foundations for Christian Homemaking eBook

We are pleased to announce that the NEW eBook--The Heart of Simplicity: Foundations for Christian Homemaking has been released today! Here are some of the wonderful contributing authors along with Courtney Dunkin of Simply Nurtured (the dream began with her) in the center.

Starting from the top: Stephanie Langford, Kelly Crawford, Natalie Klewja, Ann Dunagan, me, Courtney Dunkin, Jennifer Ross, Heidi St. John, Jenny Ervin, Stacy Karen, Richelle McFarlin, Laura Coppinger and Marci Ferrell.

Inspiring chapters include:

Chapter 1: The Foundation: Surrendering our Homes to the Creator 
Chapter 2: Marriage: Nurturing a Love that Lasts a Lifetime
Chapter 3: Motherhood: Delighting in our Children 
Chapter 4: Missions: A Home-Based Vision for God’s Great Commission
Chapter 5: Family Economy: Embracing the Simple Power and Peace of Contentment
Chapter 6: Education: Growing Hearts and Minds for God’s Glory
Chapter 7: Health: Bringing God Glory by Caring for our Bodies 
Chapter 8: Cleaning: Tending the Gardens of Our Homes to the Glory of God
Chapter 9: Organizing: Reflecting our Orderly God by Keeping an Orderly Home 
Chapter 10: Time Management: Managing our Hearts to Use Time Wisely
Chapter 11: Hospitality: Welcoming Others into our Homes
Chapter 12: Giving: Showing the Love of Christ through Simple, Intentional Generosity
Chapter 13: A Mother’s Legacy: Storing Up Treasures in Heaven

 What the readers are saying:

“I don’t think I’ve ever cried while editing until I edited this book. Encouraging, inspiring, convicting…a must-read for every wife and mother! I was so, so blessed while editing. It’s like the Lord put it in my lap because He knew I needed the message. ”

 -Erin Odom, editor and blogger, The Humbled Homemaker

 “The Heart of Simplicity is an inspirational and encouraging book that will help moms to get their focus right. Each of the writers brings a wealth of words of wisdom that caused me to do serious contemplation and to top it off they added study questions! It would be good to read with a group of moms. Applying all the knowledge and wisdom in this book will change your family’s life.”

 –Kim Brenneman, mother of 9 and author of Large Family Logistics

and since today is the first day of it's release you can get it HALF OFF for--

 $4.99 until midnight (original price is $9.99)!

Use the discount code: SIMPLE50

And don't forget to link up:

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home is a place to be encouraged in your high and noble calling of role of wife and mother and daughter to the King and we want to encourage each and every single reader out there to build up strong Christian homes to the glory of God.

We would love for you to link up with us---share your posts on  building up your home, homemaking, character, hospitality, femininity, family, tea, recipes, parenting, marriage, etc. we would love to have you share it with us!

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PlainJane said...

Congratulations! It looks wonderful and I can hardy wait to read it, unfortunately the "Add to Cart" link doesn't seem to be working, alls I get is a white screen. I'll try again later. Much Love & Blessings! May this ebook minister to the heart of all it's readers. ♥

Paula said...

I clicked on the add to cart button and it took me to a blank page. What should I do. Thank you.

themccauleys2005 said...

I am trying to purchase the new ebook, but every time I click on the button 'add to cart', it comes up with a blank screen. Could you please help?! Thank you!! I really look forward to reading this!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Thanks Ladies for the heads up!

I just exchanged the "add to cart" button for a direct link to The Heart of Simplicity official website so you may purchase directly from there with no problems. Don't forget to spread the word!

Many blessings...

Judy Dudich said...

Wow! Looks wonderful! Will get my copy tonight! Had to smile when I read the chapter titles. Many of them reflect the articles that I've written for FAR Above Rubies over the last few months! "Surrendering", "Spending Time Wisely","Hospitality" and more:) LOVE IT! Great topics for women today!

Dawn said...

Any possibility of getting a few copies in book format for those with no printers or have the worst of luck with computer crashes / viruses?
:) It sounds like a lovely book and would go great with the other homemaking / Godly womanhood books on my shelves. :)

Blessings from Texas!

Kyle Melton said...

I was so excited when I read about this book, it looks wonderful! But I'm always so disappointed when its an ebook, I hate to read books online. Are you going to publish it so we can purchase a hard copy?

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Dawn and Kyle,

Yes, we did talk about making it available as a hardcopy in the future. When I hear more news I will announce it here at the blog and on Facebook!

Many blessings...

Judith said...

Hop on over to my blog in the Monday morning as I am sharing a blessing with you that was given to me. I appreciate all that you share and have found so much to encourage me along the way. Thank you so much!!

Sarah Mae said...

Will this be available on Kindle? I'm ready to read it right now!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Sarah Mae,

Courtney says the book will be available shortly on Kindle sometime this week. We will announce it here on the blog when it is AND they are going to have a great giveaway to celebrate!

Many blessings...


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