Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Building Strong Homes, an Adoption Fundraiser, and Wise Woman Link-up!

Part of our passion here at the blog is to help women to build strong Christian homes. Today I am sharing a few posts to encourage...

from Lisa over at Teaching Good Things

from Rhonda at Walking with Sarah

My friend, Caroline (The Modest Mom), is having an adoption fundraiser for her sister and husband to help them get started with their family and giving away over $700 in prizes! She is asking for people to donate $5 (or more if the Lord lays it on your heart). So be sure to go over there, read her story and enter!

Now onto the Wise Woman linkup!

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home is a place to be encouraged in your high and noble calling of role of wife and mother and daughter to the King and we want to encourage each and every single reader out there to build up strong Christian homes to the glory of God.

We would love for you to link up with us---share your posts on  building up your home, homemaking, character, parenting, hospitality, femininity, family, tea, etc. we would love to have you share it with us!

If you link up here please use the image below or link back to let others know that you have linked up here so that they might join in the fun and be encouraged as well:

(It's easy--just copy and paste the code in this box!)

Are you encouraged here? I personally invite you to subscribe and get the latest posts sent to your inbox or RSS feed! Also, connect with us on Facebook and Twitter and get updates that are not posted here on the blog.

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