Monday, April 2, 2012

Quietness in the Everyday

“Be still, and know that I am God. 
I will be exalted among the nations,
 I will be exalted in the earth!"

-Psalm 46:10

As we wake up and face the Monday morning rush, I want to share about something that is important for our hearts and souls--finding the quietness in the everyday.

I have found that it is easy to start the day off finding quietness in my household by doing a few simple things. I can start my day off with prayer--quiet prayer between me and the Lord. Seeking that time of "being still" and not having a hurried heart or an anxious heart is a wonderful way to start the week.

I also make sure to get time in the Word-- to really reflect and meditate on its meaning. No pressure to perform just rolling it around in my spirit and refreshing my soul with it. I find when I don't take the time to do this, my day can be sorely lacking.

Soft music, usually Pandora, in the background and glowing lights from my silk tree in the corner of my bedroom. The aroma of hot steaming coffee on my nightstand.

While the week of Easter lies ahead and promises to be a very busy, I want to make sure I connect with the Lord at a heart level, to fill my cup and let it be over flowing to my household today and the rest of the week.

No rushing, no frantic pace---no pressure.

Just me and the Lord.

Listening to His voice, His direction.

Have you had your special time with Him this morning?


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window into our life of love, joy, and adventures! said...

This is exactly how I love to start my days as well! regardless of the long list that awaits me for the day, if I don't start with a calm quietness with my Lord then the day is just too chaotic!
I pray your day today is filled with blessings from above! : )

Jenn said...

You've worded the setting beautifully. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow morning :)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Window,

Thanks and praying for you and all my readers today as well!

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


This morning was just so peaceful and quiet (as quiet as it gets with 8 children running about), I couldn't help but share! I am trying to keep the "quietness" in my heart for the rest of the day too...hope the same for you!

Many blessings...

Amy said...

Oh, yes! I find that if I have a peaceful morning with the Lord, the rest of the day just seems to flow from it. I love that moving picture at the beginning of your post, too!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


I like that its moving too--it makes everyone do a double take, esp. if its before their morning coffee! ;)

Many blessings...

Rhonda Devine said...

So important in our lives, June. Nothing replaces that quiet time spent with the Lord.

Love your teacups too--beautiful!

collettakay said...

I really enjoyed this post and featured in my Misc. Finds Monday:



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