Thursday, March 8, 2012

What "Itching Ears" Want to Hear

For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.  Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

2 Timothy 4:3

I have been noticing that there something going on in the Christian community. There is pressure to conform and to say what is politically acceptable and correct. There is much overdoing of certain teachings without a wise balance of the whole counsel of scripture. It seems that Christians are being swayed into the newest fads of doctrine and being led away to the fire of "what their itching ears want to hear".

Have we not been warned? Are we so easily swayed?

We are unable to rightly divide the word. 

And because of that we are easily straying from truth.

Attacked are the innocent proclaimers of His truth. Bring up any solid doctrine and you might be labeled as "judgmental", "not having enough grace" or "too harsh".

We might be persuaded by the latest bestselling author, TV preacher, or a popular Christian actor. We might even be strongly influenced by certain Christian circles or simply just online through favorite bloggers (some we have never even met before nor examined their life or doctrine closely) or the comments (written by complete strangers) left at their posts.

If it sounds good and everyone is agreeing with it then we are on board---after all, they have to be right--don't they???


Think twice, ladies, anyone can act and speak as one in authority, but all things should be brought through the filter of God's word.

It is His word alone that stands-- not man's opinion.

Remember that.

And keep studying His Word so that you are able to discern what is true and what is false.

 The more that you read the better you will be able to discern. If you still have trouble, get wise counsel from your pastor (not off Facebook, Twitter, or a blog).

And pray that the Lord would give you WISDOM

 to recognize it






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Lisa @ Simply Things Family said...

Very well said. I always appreciate your honesty and openness.

Anonymous said...

Amen to all you have said.

Anonymous said...

I lived out being told all those things for too long - and unfortunately ended up walking away from good sound doctrine, not because I wanted to fit in, but because it was the church and it's leaders telling me to do so and having noone else for council. Thank you for this article so others may not have to go through what I have. God's word is the only truth - even if those claiming to be His people try to tell you otherwise. I hope this doesn't come off as bitter, because I'm not - just grateful for others who see the Truth.

Lori said...

I don't know if it is simply because of media, both social and mainstream bringing these things to the forefront, but it seems to me like Christianity is under attack in this country like never before. Not all of it is from the outside either--much of it is from the inside by those who would attempt to make the Gospel more "palatable" for society. The Gospel is offensive. End of story. But God's Word is true, and I am thankful for the Christians in the public arena like Kirk Cameron who have had the courage to speak truth to a nation despite the consequences. Now more than ever we need to soak up God's promises and let them penetrate our thinking and knowledge that HE is in control, and no matter what we face here, it is temporary.

Brittany said...

Thank you for such a wonderful post today. I have been pondering this lately too and it was a good post for me today.

Miss Erin said...

Amen and amen!!

Whitney said...

Amen & AMEN!

I am so saddened by the number of Christian women who are not careful and who seem to not care if someone(an author, speaker, teacher) has been proven to be off base, just because the masses love them.

I've come to the conclusion that most women no longer heed instruction from the Word, when it tells us to ask our husbands at home. Many men probably don't even know what women are dabbling in online and in books.

We need to pray for our sisters in Christ, they are being swayed too easily these days. "EVERY WISE woman builds her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands." They are doing this to themselves, we must pray for them.

Bethany said...

Yes. I have noticed that too. And it seems to keep happening more wide spread.

Kat said...

I have noticed that too. We have many friends who have noticed it too and we all are in the midst of looking for a new church home. The "funny" thing is that we all come from different denominations so none of us know where to go. It seems as if preachers lack courage anymore in the churches. The ones that do are far and few between. In order to keep that 501C3 status they have to keep someone happy and God doesn't give tax breaks. Blessings, Kat

Chelsey S. said...

So so true! Unfortunelty, so so true. We must keep up the good fight. Grab your biblical shields ladies- we are at war!

Janelle said...

Great post. I especially liked when you said:

"Think twice, ladies, anyone can act and speak as one in authority, but all things should be brought through the filter of God's word.

It is His word alone that stands-- not man's opinion."

You are so right! I think now-a-days people are sometimes forgetting that everything should be brought through the filter of God's word!

Unknown said...

Thank you for writing this. We had to step away from high-level ministry for a while and read through the whole word of God veerry sllowwllyy so that we could once again gain a more Biblical perspective. We are really glad we did!

Marsha said...

Wow. I couldn't have said it better! It's a message that needs to be heard.


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