Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wise Hearts, Wise Tongues

Do you struggle with anger towards your children?

Nancy Wilson of Femina shares some wise words on anger:

"Now how can a sweet Christian woman get angry and say “evil” things to her children?
Does that mean she has “evil” in her heart?
Unfortunately, that’s what it means.
We all have evil in our hearts.

No one is good. 

So we all need gospel grace day in and day out..."

Read her article on 10 ways to have a wise tongue.

You can find great books by her HERE.



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Anonymous said...

Boy do we ever!

Tiffany said...

I am definitely going to read's a struggle, a fine line. To discipline without letting evil come out of our mouths!

Holly said...

I am printing out the article and placing it into my homemaking binder. It will serve as a reminder to watch my words and thoughts carefully! Thanks!

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

Thanks for the link to that great article. I'm goin got adopt this for my everyday interactions with people. This is so applicable across the board :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

Lucy said...

Mm. As someone who works in retail I tend to bottle it all up during the day and come home to my family with a less than Christlike spirit in the end. Definitely convicting.


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