Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blog Design On a Dime Review

How many of you know sweet Jacinda from Growing Home?

She has the prettiest little blog that you should visit:

Jacinda sent over her new ebook for me to review, Blog Design on a Dime:

Since I am a blogger AND an experienced blogging consultant, I was really looking forward to reading this ebook! Can I just say that this ebook really delivers? When I first got it I pored over its pages and read it from beginning to end. Here are my thoughts...

This is an invaluable book for any blogger beginning or seasoned. She covers the basics of how to design headers, buttons, social media images, installation and more while teaching us several tricks on the way. The best part? She teaches us how to do this for FREE! Yes, FREE. Not a penny, no fancy software, just through her simple tutorials and creativity. This is wonderful because now anyone can have a pretty blog and not have to pay expensive designer fees to get it.

I also want to add that her tutorials are very simple. You won't get lost trying to understand technical jargon, Jacinda teaches us simply using every day language that even my daughter , who is just fourteen and interested in designing, understood everything.

The best thing is that it is not a long and drawn out book. I am a busy mom and don't have time to read long books as much as I'd like or have in the past, I appreciated the fact that it was an easy read PLUS puts valuable skills into any blogger's hands in a quick fashion. No fluff, no wasted time--just getting straight down to business! That's my kind of book!

I highly recommend this book for every blogger---as a consultant I advise bloggers to have a beautiful, eye-catching blog for their readers. It is important, as you only have a few seconds to impress and if you don't you can lose new readers. Get this book and change that!

You can get this book here at the low price of just $4.99! 

That is a steal!


since I am talking about blogging I am also going to extend the Wise Woman Consulting: Learn to Make Money Blogging in 2012 sale for ONE MORE DAY! The sale is for 15% off and now just $85, you can read about the details or sign up here. We were overwhelmed with the response to this sale and want to thank everyone for signing up! We look forward to consulting with each and every one of you!


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Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great book!

But June, I must say that I still think you have one of the prettiest blogs I read, (in my personal opinion) and I hope you won't be changing anything soon!

It may seem superficial, but being the visual lady that I am, when I think of the blogs I have time to visit, a visual of your blog is implanted in my mind and it naturally draws me!

Content and substance, is of course, very important, and primary, but, the visual really does stick in my mind!

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

Thanks for the review of the book. That is a great value!!! Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Michelle,

Thank you for our kind words-to God be the glory!

Dear Heather,

I agree, the book is definitely worth what you will learn and much more.

Many blessings...

String Bean Jean said...

I am a new blogger and I thoroughly research and work hard on my posts. I have researched how to be more read and they say to comment on other people's blogs. And I've been doing that every day and only have 3 followers and no comments. What would your advice be?

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear String Bean Jean,

There is much more to it than that. I am an experienced blog consultant and can help you in that area, if you are interested in a consultation. Just email me at

Many blessings...

Amanda Millay said...

Thanks for the review!


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