Monday, September 19, 2011

My Mother is a Bridge

"I cannot forget my mother.

She is my bridge,

When I needed to get across,

she steadied herself long enough

for me to run across safely."

This a quote included in the new bestseller, True Christian Motherhood. If you are a mother looking for encouragement, vision, support and hope, I wanted to invite you to the officially start and kickoff of the True Christian Motherhood Discussion Group online and would love for you to come and join us. There are currently 248 ladies there and we are covering Chapter one today. It is a wonderful way to start the new season and school year by helping us to stay focused on what really matters and how we mother. It is NOT too late to join, you can grab a book right now and jump right in. It is available at Amazon for Kindle, Barnes and Noble for Nook or you can just download it on your PC instantlyby clicking here (it's super easy):

Buy Now

Also, I am getting word that women are using this as a Bible study in their homes and churches. This is a wonderful way to share this book with other women. If you are doing this OR thinking about doing this, please contact me. I will give a discount for group purchases, email me at for more details. Also, for those who have contacted me about reviews, we are working on answering all the emails we have gotten since the book has been released and you should hear from us very soon!

And for those who didn't know, you can download Kindle onto your PC for FREE, just click right here, and purchase True Christian Motherhood directly through there instantly as well (not to mention all the great other ebooks they have--several are free or start at 99 cents! Great for homeschoolers--I just recently dowloaded several excellent classics at no cost).

**UPDATE**: I am also giving away THREE free copies to Mom's  who are going through financial hardship who are in the group, just send me an email at the address above and tell me your story. :)

See you over at the TCM Discussion Group!


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quote! I look forward to reading your e-book soon!

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