Friday, September 16, 2011

Creating A Warm Atmosphere for Fall

Fall is upon us once again and how exciting it is to be alive and look forward to the new season that lies ahead. This is a wonderful time for mothers to create warm, loving and cozy space in their homes and bring a breath of fresh fall air into the atmosphere. I love creating memories with my children and making sure we try to get the most out of experiencing and celebrating the change of the seasons.

(fall leaf craft)

I have already done alot of shopping for the fall wardrobes and brought in what I had stored away in the garage. A good thing I did too because it has been cool and crisp, weather-wise over here and no sooner did we get the clothes we were already needing to wear them. All of you know that with a large family, dealing with wardrobe changes for the season is a major project. One of the things I liked to do in my earlier years was write out all that we had and needed and kept a running list in a notebook of all that we needed. This included everything from sweaters, skirts and pajamas to jackets, scarves and mittens. It would get confusing trying to remember who had what so I would take a shopping list of sizes and needs to the store so I wouldn't have to use too much brain power in regards to that and just be able to concentrate on shopping. Now I am older and able to have a "sixth sense" of what is needed and not so reliant on the lists as before.

 Every year we usually have plans of getting out and going to festivals, etc. But this year I wanted to focus alot more on making memories at home. I love the ideas I have found over at Pinterest and new craft ideas:

(fall embroidery craft)

I have already pulled out the fall decor and placed pumpkins all around. I am not done yet, but love the lighting up my Scentsy candle and smelling the cinnamon/baked apple pie aromas simmering through the house. My children have grand memories of fall and for many it is their favorite season. I also like to indulge in some early Christmas music as I plug in some of those white Christmas lights around to make the house feel warm on overcast days and sipping on the first hot cocoa of the year.

I am also turning my attention to the special foods we can make this year-- creamy soups, hearty stews, pumpkin breads, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin scones, spicy chili, mouth watering smores and taffy much to create and sooooooooooo little time! Don't you agree?

(taffy apples on sticks)

( simmering avocado chili)

(warm homemade apple pie)

(maple leaf butter) 

Mothers help to create memories that will live fondly in the hearts of their children forever.

How about you? 

What do *you* like to do to get ready for fall?


a big thank you goes out to all my readers--

True Christian Motherhood has climbed the ranks and was #1 last night on the best seller list.
Today it is #2 (it is updated hourly) but we are still rejoicing and giving God all the glory. It is #1 in Hot New Releases. 

So if you would like a good book to curl up with for fall,

that will inspire and encourage you

(view the Table of Contents here)


Rocky Mountain Homemaker said...

Your fall decore is gorgeous.
How do I prepare for fall? I like to put autumn decore on my mantle. My daughter and I are planning to make a scarecrow to sit on a bench in our front yard.
I recently downloaded the motherhood book on my Kindle and can't wait to read it.........Blessings to you from Denise

maia said...

Thank you for this post. God used you to warm my heart this morning, on a morning when it was feeling broken and cold. Thank you LORD. I was wondering, I have all littles, but after I get our house in general order, I would like to make it cozy with some seasonal decorations. My question is what did you use when you had all littles? I have some beautiful dishes and breakables, but for obvious reasons, I don't want to put them out. It is the children's home too, and even though I expect them to be well behaved, I also want them to feel comfortable being children :). Any ideas would be welcome. Thanks again.

Amy said...

What wonderful pictures. Fall is probably my favorite season. I love the changing of the leaves and it's a time when my whole extended family spends lots of time together. We enjoy decorating with leaves and fall colors as well as the ceremonial hauling out of the crockpot for that first batch of chili.

Angel said...

I have a whole section on my blog about how I decorate for autumn. It is my favorite season, so cozy!

Anonymous said...


What a lovely post Ms. June. You have motivated me once again. I am now home full time due to a bike accident. But it is all a part of God's plan to help me to become the Godly wife, mother and daughter in Christ that he wants me to be. So while I am healing I am going to find the meaning and have made some major changes to my life. One being not going back to school. Working less and focusing on my husband and children. I started out blogging to do just that and somehow lost my way in the attempt to do it all....but God redirected me and I am thankfully back on track.

Today I will be able to get up and make something yummy so the house will smell really good when my children and husband get home. I am thinking Blueberry muffins.

I also have a planned bible study for my youngest daughter for after school. She is looking forward to our "tea party" even though she looked at me rather strange when I told her that we would be doing this together weekly. I have a good guide book thanks to the btwix and btween website as well as your book on Biblical Motherhood in the 21st century.

What a great and wonderful gift it is to be a woman.

Kisses and Hugs,

Julianne said...

This post was so timely because I just finished up with decorating my home in Fall decor. I had been waiting for a couple weeks (I really wanted to start the first of Sept.), but I held out for the middle of the month. Yesterday I went grocery shopping and bought 4 fall-colored mums- they are so pretty and so I decided to start my decorating today. I started the morning with a good thourough housecleaning, because it's so much more fun to decorate when the house is clean. After decorating I went outside and removed some of my summer flowers in pots that were looking less than pretty. I put in the mums and cleaned up the patio, and then added cute little garden pumpkin picks in the pots with the mums.
Oh, how I love fall!

Finding Balance mommy said...

That post made me feel so warm and fuzzy. :-)

Bonnie said...

Re: little people in the home. Fall decorating can be fun even with littles. There are styrofoam pumpkins in all the craft stores, silk leaves and straw scarecrows. No need to use your breakables right now. I still have the orange colored wooden buckets and baskets that I used to decorate with. My "littles" are all grown up and still enjoy seeing the familiar items sitting around the house.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We are working on fall wardrobes, we have added a few touches of fall to our home, we are enjoying cozy times together by the campfire outdoors.

I am wanting to do some fall crafts, love those felt leaves you showed.


Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

What a delightful post! I love the leaf mobile and the felt embroidered leaves.

Where did you find such pretty felt colors?

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

Jessica said...

Thank you for sharing! Fall is one of my favorite seasons :) And I have now followed your pinterest account! There are some really neat things on there.
Jessica from

Terri said...

What a beautiful post.... fall is my very favorite time of the year.....I put all my fall decor out this weekend... but would like to get a few pumpkins to round it all out!!! lol..... the scents of fall bring so much warmth to our home!!! thank you so much June and Congrats on the book!!!!!!!! :) Blessings!!!! Terri


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