Monday, August 22, 2011

The Culture of the Kingdom of Darkness

Yesterday I heard a great sermon that shared about how lying brought in the culture of the kingdom of darkness into our homes. This is a truth that is very important, one we need to ponder and apply and never take lightly.

We all need to be a people continually striving after holiness in every area of our lives.

But it got me thinking more about the kingdom of darkness and how we need to be on guard.

It surrounds us everyday and we need to be alert. We need to guard our eyes, ears and minds and be wise about what is of God's Kingdom and what is the opposite. We need to know what it is when we see it because we also need to guard our children from it.

So I am going write more about this important topic this week.

I hope you will join me.


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Anonymous said...

Excited to hear more. The Holy Spirit has actually been speaking to me about this lately more and more. As a mom to one young man whom is 11, I find myself asking for the Lords wisdom more daily. I feel my hubby and I have done a good job so far in protecting him and guiding him in the way's of God. I pray we will continue to stay on this track and continually look to the Father for guidance. However, we can all improve in areas of parenting and also in our personal walk with Jesus. I have witnessed with my own ears and eyes the things that parents allow their children to listen to, watch and partake in and it is very heart wrenching and saddens my soul. I see parents allowing the enemy to rule over their kids and it sickens me to the bone. There are parents who are not walking with the Father and are blind themselves, so that in and of itself needs much prayer so their scales can fall off. But for the one's who call themselves followers of Jesus and still allow this world and the master of it to infiltrate their children's minds and souls boggles me to no end. Do we as "our brothers keeper" say something to the saved? I say yes, we speak it in love and point them to scripture to back it up. To the unsaved, what and how do we approach them? This is an issue that needs to be brought to the Father daily. Love and peace to you and as I said I am anticipating what is to come from your blog. :)

Far Above Rubies said...

I'm with you this week. I've been thinking a lot about this topic.

Thanks, June.

Michelle said...

I look forward to reading more, June!

Amy said...

So true. I've been reading a lot about holiness and the process of sanctification in my daily devotionals lately, and I'm curious to see what your observations on it.

minifilhasara said...

That beautiful and important your blog, my sister!
In addition to messages as appropriate and necessary to guide the country.
I am waiting for other messages that come on the subject. I am very much concerned with this issue. My children are already created and i thank God because they love Jesus and are obedient children. I have two grandchildren for whom i am always praying for my children know creates them in the fear and love of God. I glorify the Lord by his life, beloved sister!
I'm brazilian and I'm following your blog.
Grace and peace of Lord Jesus!

Sarah beth said...

I will be reading more, something that has been on my heart and mind.

Sarah beth~

Dar said...

I was once told that if we could see the spiritual realm that is all around us we'd be petrified. We DO need to be aware of the darkness that waits to devour us. And for those that do not know how to fight the enemy, we need to teach them! Thank you!


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