Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Christian Family Needs Your Help

Dearest Friends,

There is a Christian family that is very dear to us that needs your help.

~Tony and Susie Shock~

This loving, homeschooling family of seven was recently expecting a newborn son to be born later this year but ended up sadly passing away prematurely this weekend. Just yesterday, the dear Shock family has had to endure the hardest thing a parent can do--hand their own child, Levi, over to a funeral director. Their broken hearts are so saddened mourning the lost of this child (this is a second son they have lost within a few years time) yet they have showed incredible faith in trusting the Lord at this difficult time. 

With this unexpected loss comes unexpected expenses in order to bury their beloved son. We are asking for your help--they need $800 to cover the cost of their son's funeral. If you are able to donate ANY amount (remember, no amount is too small) to help them it would be greatly appreciated from the bottom of our hearts.

Levi Shock Burial Fund

 Please also pray for this family at this difficult time, each prayer and donation is so greatly appreciated.

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrews 13:16

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 4:4

If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 1 Corinthians 12:26


Please share this post on Facebook, Twitter or your blog so we can better get the word out there to the body of Christ!

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Thank you SO much--your love and support means so much to us all!


Far Above Rubies said...

June, thank you for always helping your sisters in Christ.

Please let her know that our family is lifting them up in prayer.



Tina said...

I too have had to say goodbye to two beautiful children in a short amount of time. I am all too familiar with this ache. Please let them know they are being covered in prayer. I will discuss with my husband how much we can offer to help.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Tina,

Thank you for considering to donate to help. It is with great appreciation that we share this with all of our readers. We thank you so much for your prayers and support.

Many blessings...

The Momma Chronicles said...

So so heartbreaking. Our family will be lifting theirs up in prayer. I'm praying our drop-in-the-bucket little bit of help will become a cup running over with tons extra.

Mrs Mary Joy Pershing said...

My heart breaks for them! We will be praying for them and I will share the request with my facebook friends. Thank you for letting us know of their need!

Surrendering to Him Daily,

Mrs Mary Joy Pershing

Tamara said...

This is so very sad to hear. The hopes that we have while waiting and the pain that is felt when we are not able to hold and nurture that little one.. we will be praying for peace and comfort..


Orie said...

May our Father cloak them in his arms of comfort, offering up prayers...

Katherine said...

I also lost two babies at birth. My heart goes out to this family. My prayers are with them.

Amy Skelton said...

My family has not had to go through this emotional roller coaster. I can only imagine how I would react and can only pray that our faith would grow and see us through. We have donated, and pray that Christ will hold them close and they would have a peace beyond all understanding. It's not much, but, prayfully, maybe it will help.

Love in Christ!

Chantel Poisel said...

Thank you for helping this family in need. I have lost a son myself, and our local community stepped up and covered the expenses. God always provides for our needs!! I wish I had something I could give, but I cannot at the moment. But this family will be in my prayers!!

Retro Wifey said...

So incredibly sad. I am praying for them and will see what we can do to help as well.

~Graciously Given

Toyin O. said...

Praying for this family.

susan said...

June, my husband and I lost a daughter 7 1/2 years ago. She was our 6th pregnancy. We had 2 boys before her. They are teenagers today. Last spring I became pregnant (7th time) and in December gave birth to a miricle. All of this to say.. we really didn't exactly know why I was having miscarriages and why our baby was stillborn ~ until I was pregnant this time. I was diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder (only happens when pregnant). I know the pain in their hearts. I do not intend to overlook that. But if I had known this all of those years ago - I wouldn't have blamed myself for so long. As ma-ma, I wondered what I did wrong for so long. I will be praying for them...and will also look as to how much we can give. Please let her know she may want to be checked for mutant clotting genes. Factor 5 is one of them (there are several). Prayerfully, Susie

Natalie said...

Our prayers go out to the family. Hopefully the donations will help! Natalie & Family

God's Most Precious said...

I was wondering if donations are still being accepted. I know all to well this loss, as I lost my beautiful daugther, who was with us for 4 days, about 2 1/2 years ago. I will lift this family in prayer. PLease let me know if we can do anything else for them.

Living for Him,


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Monica,

Yes, we are still accepting donations! Thank you so much for inquiring.

Many blessings...

Anonymous said...

My husband and I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers and generous donations. We are so grateful to all of you. Not only did God provide through you enough to pay for the funeral expenses, but also to pay for the gravestone for Levi as well. This was our second stillborn child and I did not think I could endure the pain emotionally, but God has continually intervened and given us strength and courage to handle this. I know it is because of everyone's prayers that we perservered and the financial burden was lifted rather quickly, praise be to God!

God Bless you all!
The Shock Family


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