Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Unique Characteristics of a Godly Woman

Here are some characteristics of a godly woman--check off the ones that describe you:

  • Gracious
  • Virtuous
  • Sober
  • Chaste
  • Prudent
  • Discreet
  • Peaceable
  • Patient
  • Kind
  • Faithful
  • Joyful
  • Good
  • Merciful
  • Pleasant
  • Ready
  • Honorable
  • Benevolent
  • Keeper at Home
  • In Subjection
  • Quiet Spirit
  • Modest
  • Obedient
  • Loves husband and children
  • Teaching the younger women
Now before you get discouraged, understand this--

I know that we fail in different areas on this list from day to day (a very real reason for our need for Christ) but we should NOT look at this list as a reminder of our failures but instead with HOPE, OPTIMISM and ANTICIPATION of what we have to look forward to. He will help us to become these things. We cannot do all of this in our own strength. It is only because of Him that this can take place and we must remember that God has not finished his work in us yet!

Be encouraged ladies, as you look and pray over these characteristics.  Be sure to thank Him for the work He is about to do in your life as He helps you daily to become more like the godly woman described above.



Anonymous said...


Jenna said...

Thank you for this sweet reminder... As children of the most high God, and by His grace, we can strive to have the qualities you listed. Sometimes it may be a challenge, but the Lord always helps us and teaches us along the way!
May the Lord richly bless you and your sweet family!

Love In Christ,

Caitlin Stark said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I've recently been in Titus 2 and working on my studies of womanhood according to the Word.

I'm happy to have my "big sisters" in Christ who I can look at as living examples, to confide in when I'm unsure of something and one of whom has taught me the very important ability to laugh at some of the most frustrating things. With all the poor role models society gives us it's important to to have good ones. :)

Bernice said...

I am going to print these out and study each one. I am a list type person. I like seeing them in bullet form. I have read them from the bible but seeing them like this...I love it.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Bernice,

I am also a list person and function much better when I have one! I know that many people are intimidated by lists, especially one of high standards, but I believe we need to look to Him to accomplish the greatness and excellence that this list calls for.

Many blessings...

Corri Beth said...

I, too, am a list-maker, and enjoyed seeing this one. I have been doing a good bit of soul and scripture searching the past little bit, and this fits right in with what I have been looking at. More studying for me!

kh-jeremiah29.11 said...

That was a wonderful post and it does offer Hope and goals to look forward to achieving. Thanks for wiritng this. The Lord bless you as you offer encouragement to others. Karen

House Built On Stone said...

thank you for such a good list, i can only aspire to be all of them but i look forward to trying

Homeschool on the Croft said...

Oh eeeek! I have to be honest and say that this list just made me see 'fail', 'fail', 'fail'....
...but I'm encouraged by the 'list' idea of the commenters before me. I may just go that route and look for some encouragement :)

Anonymous said...
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Hephzi said...

Thankyou so much for creating this lovely blog. Richly blessed !

Seth Trujillo said...

Thanks for shaing!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful post! I am SO thankful for this. We must be encouraged that God will help give us these traits. God is such a wonderful God...I am so glad I do not have to try to be all of these characteristics alone, but God will help me become the woman I am meant to be. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

me too!


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