Monday, May 23, 2011

Quiet Contentment

Quiet contentment in a discontent world is almost unheard of today.

Americans are bombarded with the false ideals that threaten to steal our joy while masking itself a faux remedy. We are constantly brainwashed to upgrade, and to desire not just what is good but what is better and even what is best, according to what the world dictates for us. When we do not acquire those standards, we grumble, we are resentful which can lead us on the miserable path to bitterness.  Here are a few examples:

1. Our Husbands---We might become discontent with our husbands because he might not do what we want him to do when we want him to do it. It could be that he is not making enough money or maybe he is laid off at the moment without a job. Perhaps he is not tending to the house repairs as fast as we'd like him to or is not leading as you think he should. This is very difficult because it requires us to relinquish control to God and put circumstances into His hands.

2. Our Children---Perhaps we have a small child that is out of control or an older child that is rebellious that makes us discontent. You might even have a  child whom you have poured all whole lives into that have strayed from the faith. Or, perhaps we are struggling because our children are not perfect but our standards expect them to be.

3. Our Homes---Our homes are not new with the newest __________ (you fill in the blank) Many of us might have humble homes, small, with peeling paint, cracks in the wall, etc....a far cry from the latest Better Homes and Garden edition. We look at all the dishes, laundry and all the work that awaits us and grow weary, discouraged and bitter.

4. Our God--all of this discontent leads to us becoming discontent with our God. We look around and think that we have gotten the short end of the stick and we raise our fists against Him because we feel He has not provided for us the life we think we deserve. We end up doubting and complaining and eventually having our hearts turn cold against Him.

Christian women, this should not be. We must hold tight to the timeless truth "Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6. We must close all the open doors to our heart of discontentment that we have foolishly allowed to be left open inviting Satan to get a foothold into our lives.

Christian women, be on guard! 

Protect your homes, families and yourself by protecting your heart. 

And boldly take hold of quiet contentment that abounds with wisdom as you build up your families this week...

Have a blessed day!



Rocky Mountain Homemaker said...

What a great post. Godliness with contentment is great gain and it always will be!.........Denise

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this post!!

Keri from GA

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This is such a problem with today's society, Discontentment! Thanks for the post

Marie said...

Such truth to this especially in this day and age. Thank you for these valuable and encouraging words.

Have a blessed day ~ Marie

Julieann said...

What a wonderful post! It sure hit the spot today. Something I really needed to read, it is wonderful how God works.

Thank you:)

Have a wonderful Monday!


Unknown said...

Well you have managed to put to pen some of the same thoughts I've been having! We must guard against false prophets too. Satan just loves to make us feel as tho we don't have enough of this or that. Living for God is so much better than living for self!!! Blessings, and thanks for sharing this!!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Fuentes,

Beautiful post! May all women of God strive to have godly contentment within their hearts, their lives, and in their homes.

-L. Rose

P.S. I voted for you too. :)

Amy said...

What a wonderful post! It is so easy to stumble into discontentment in life because it is just so pervasive in American culture, and it's one of those things that can very subtly slip into one's thinking without being caught at first.

Thank you for the encouragement - hope you are having a good week!

Amy said...

Thank you for your ever-inspiring blog posts. I try to visit often however I'm usually busy managing our home {husband+four kids=homeschooling} and that doesn't allow me time to enter the blog world. I appreciate your blog!! Blessings to you!! -Amy

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Thank you so much for the encouraging post!!! Reading your blog always softens my heart toward the Lord and encourages me to spend time with Him allowing Him to make me a better wife and mother.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just found your blog and enjoy it very much! I have a question for you, or anyone who could answer: I don't know how to turn off the music so that I can hear the interviews. I tried clicking on "mute" on the playlist, but it comes right back on. Thanks for the help. I'm not very knowledgeable yet. Thanks - Sue

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Sue,

Scroll all the way down to the bottom where you will see the playlist and simply click the arrow button--that will make it stop.

Many blessings...

Anonymous said...

a lovely post, this was just what i needed today! Been struggling with being content myself, due to housework and chores piling up recently (lots of hospital visits with a little one) and i have been forgetting the most important thing of all - that we have Christ in out hearts and our lives and that are families are healthy and safe. My mum always used to say "the house will be there when you are not" and that is so true! So thank you once again for your amazing blog (the only one i read) and your thoughtful and biblical posts.

Blessings, Julie

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for your help! I voted for your blog, and am looking forward to reading it more. So inspiring! - Sue

Cassiescuddles said...

Wow, that was an eye opener. I just voted for you, because I love your blog. I am thankful for the encouragement that you have given me in your faith filled advice, but I am really saddened to see that the other popular faith blogs are actually pagan, and promoting it. How sad is that? I hope that you win.


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