Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Reflections


Dear ladies,

How was your Mother's day? I hope that it was wonderful.  Mine was INCREDIBLE---we ended up visiting a church we attended in the past for almost a decade. We took free Mother's Day portraits there, connected with several old friends and got to hear a life changing message! I wish I could share it all with you here, I was hoping that since the church livestreams I would be able to link to the message but they don't have it up just yet so when and if they do, I will share it with you then but until they do that I will just share some of the highlights here. A few great points were:
  •  We need to speak verbal affirmation into our children at all times and not grow weary. We are the major influencers in our children's lives whether they are young or adult and we can not forget the power before our words to define them and mold them into the people they will become. 
  • We need to give them physical love even though we might not have received it ourselves. We need to hug, pat on the back, etc. because if not they will seek it somewhere else.
  • We need to speak spiritual blessings into their life purposefully.
  • We need to not just speak into the lives of our children but also our grandchildren.
  • We cannot make excuses, we control our actions
  • It is never, EVER to late to begin doing any of these things above and begin powerfully impacting the lives around us
And then at the end, Pastor Mark invited all of the women up to the altar and prayed powerfully over them. He prayed with authority, love, compassion and much like a spiritual father over the women and pouring blessings into their lives. I saw the faces of the women standing there---so many broken, so many crying and hugging each other, and many never having a man pray like that over them. I'm telling you, it was very hard to hold back the tears. You could just imagine the men who have failed them in the past, the father's who were not present, the love that was not available. My heart cries out for these women and I am so happy that the Lord stands in that empty abyss of our hearts and showers abundantly perfect love and grace over each and every one of us.

It was great hearing a message like that---powerful and life changing. I never want to forget that there are lives out there that need transforming and aching to hear the life giving hope the Lord offers to us. To see others and myself greatly reaping from and fully immersed in the refreshing waters of God's truths. I don't ever want to become complacent in my faith or become too*religious* that I lose sight of his true work around me.

Later that day I enjoyed Mother's day and celebrated two birthday parties. I felt so blessed. Blessed to have friends, blessed to have family, blessed to have an amazing husband that I never deserved and just so thankful to God for all of his undeserving goodness.

I hope your day was as special as mine. I don't think I will forget about it anytime soon. I pray that it will resonate and linger with me until the day that I die, sparking a wild fire that reaches the ends of this earth and will ultimately never die out.



    Gail said...

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful message with all of us Mothers! What a great reminder that each day in the lives of our children is important! My Mother's Day was very relaxing. I think I only changed one diaper and I got a nap! What more could a mom of young kids ask for?! :) Happy Mother's Day to you!

    June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

    Dear Gail,

    I am so glad to hear you had a great Mother's day too. I remember those days, just wanting nothing more than to rest! Know that soon they will be grown and you will be praying for those days to be back again. :) My daughter is graduating this year and it is an overwhelming feeling. I will share more on it this week and even some pictures!

    Many blessings...

    Anonymous said...

    can't wait to hear that sermon, I to listen to pastor Mark's sermons. We watch over the internet (though I'm a week behind every Sunday) WOW from what you have summed up from the sermon on your blog it was like you were talking right about me (the prayer line ladies..., i broke down yesterday over those things mentioned)I'm okay now, In prayer to Him last night I asked for guidance, and your blog post was my answer! Praise the LORD!!!!!

    June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

    Dear Mrs. Mannel,

    So glad to hear that the Lord used this post to answer prayer! He is so good-- I hope you are feeling better today, I am praying for you.

    Many blessings...

    Anonymous said...

    Than you so much for this timely reminder. It isn't the 'one big show of love' that will make a lasting impact on your children but the everyday, throughout the day displays of affection that your children will cherish.

    My Mother's Day was a day spent at church and then a quiet afternoon and evening at home with my family.
    ~Mrs. R

    Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

    Wow, that sounds amazing! So glad you got to hear such a powerful sermon on mothering for Mother's Day.

    God bless!

    A Keen Perspective said...

    Thank you for sharing that message. I needed to hear that.

    Anonymous said...

    My adult children have left the nest a long time ago. I don't hear from some of them a lot so it was wonderful to receive a phone call from them wishing me a happy Mother's Day. Seeing them would have been better, but the distance is great... hearing their voice was almost as good as a hug. Blessings!

    House Built On Stone said...

    Hi, I havn't commented before but I have been really enjoying all of yours posts and was wondering if you have any advice for me and my sister in law. Since the birth of her youngest son her older one who is five has become very destructive and defiant and she is struggling to know how to parent him. I also need advice as I often take him on days out but now don't feel confident as he doesn't listen to me any more and damaged property on the last trip

    We would both be grateful for any advice or wisdom who have on these issues


    Leisha said...

    What a blessing to be part of such a powerful service! I for one will be keeping an eye for the link when you post it!! Thank you for the much needed reminder!!

    Far Above Rubies said...

    June, sounds so wonderful. I would have loved being there with all of you, too.

    We need encouragement and prayer as mothers desiring to do God's perfect will in the lives of our families.

    What good news to hear Pastor Mark praying over all of you with authority and power.

    I am strengthened in hearing such a wonderful account.



    LeAnn said...

    Thanks you for sharing your experiences and blessings on Mother's Day. I loved the thoughts on children;it rings so true.
    Blessings to you!

    Mrs. White said...

    This is absolutely precious! What a spiritually encouraging day you had. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Mrs. White
    The Legacy of Home


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