Monday, May 16, 2011

I Am Done Waiting

What am I waiting for?!  I have been “waiting” for years.

Waiting for what?

Waiting for life to be . . . “perfect” . . . “normal” . . . or “whatever”, to be happy.
How many more years will go by before I realize that there is no “perfect” or “normal” or {{{fill in the blank}}}.

The lie is that When . . .
  • when my children obey
  • when I lose weight
  • when I get pregnant
  • when I get married
  • when my house stays clean
  • when my house stays picked for longer than a nano-second
  • when it is quieter
  • when life slows down
  • when I feel better
  • when the children are grown
  • when we make more money
  • when I have time for friends
  • when my husband treats me better
  • when the weather get nice
When . . . When . . . When . . . !!

The truth is, today, right now, the mess, the crazy, the loud is really what I have been waiting for, I just don’t realize it.  You, Lord, are right here, Jehovah Shammah, the Lord Who is there.  

All the circumstances that I long to be ‘just so’ will only be morphed into other circumstances I long to be ‘just so’.

I am done waiting!  I am dancing, NOW.  I am laughing, NOW.  I am seeing, NOW.  I am ‘smelling the roses’.  Tip-toeing through the tulips.  Seizing the day.  No more waiting, You are already here, and You are truly all I need.

"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth."

Care to join me?  Let’s end the waiting and embrace the NOW!  Let’s dance and sing and spin with praises for our God, what have we got to lose?

This is a guest post from Michelle, mom to fifteen
from She Looketh Well.
Thank you, Michelle for you timely words!


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Joseph, Katie, and Mark said...

Thank you so much for this post! Just what I needed to hear this morning. :) Blessings!

House Built On Stone said...

Thank you for a great post I've been feeling like I'm trapped in a waiting room recently

Gracey said...

This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. :) Thank you so much for sharing! What a wonderful, encouraging way to start my day. Have a great Monday!

Anonymous said...

this is great!! thanks for sharing!!

Tami @ said...

While I was waiting, I read this. Thank you for sharing.

Kim said...

I really needed to hear this today. Thank you so much!
I'm off to dance!

Journal for My Daughters said...

Loved, loved, loved this post! :0)

Lilly said...

Thank you for this post. It has encourage me greatly!

Finding Balance mommy said...

Thank you for that!


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