Friday, May 13, 2011

Guarding Against Worldliness

Worldliness has a subtle way of creeping into our lives. It can invade our thinking, corrupting a person to their very core. We are tugged on all sides to worship the world and it's gods--the god of vanity, the god of materialism, the god of self, and the god of fleeting success. We need to be ever so careful to guard ourselves lest we become enslaved.

"There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." Proverbs 14:12

"They loved praise from men more than praise from God." John 12:43

"Set your mind on things above and not on earthly things." Colossians 3:2

"But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives." 1 Timothy 5:6

"Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul." 1 Peter 2:11

"How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only one God?" John 5:44

"You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." James 4:4

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world---the craving of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--does not come from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." 1 John 2:15-7

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, be be transformed with the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

Dear friend, are you struggling with worldliness and forgetting the Lord? Please leave a comment and share so we may pray for you. Don't feel you are alone, most of us struggle on some level on a daily basis if we really examined ourselves.

Or maybe you would like to share a story of how you try to  overcome worldliness in your life that would encourage others---you are more than welcomed to do so in the comments section.

Thank you!


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momma-bird said...

It feels like this post was for me. The past two weeks have been rough, and I see how my thinking has gotten off the Lord, and has been on more worldly and unimportant things. I've been snapping at my kids and snapping at my husband. I've let the house go and allowed myself to get lazy. All I've been thinking about is myself. Please pray for me.

Tara said...

Sadly, this is a very timely post for me.:(

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Momma-bird,

You are not alone! Many women struggle with this on a daily basis. The solution is to realize what we are doing, repent, and get back on the right track. Sometimes I think the hardest part is even REALIZING what you are doing. We might not even notice it, or if we do make ourselves turn a blind eye to it and deny what we are doing. That is when we get into trouble. We definitely need to be sensitive to the Lord in staying on the right path. Thank you so much for sharing--we will definitely pray for you!

Many blessings...

Anonymous said...

I, too felt like this post was for me. I have let things get in my life and take over. For me, it is the television. When my kids watch it, they are ever fighting over whether to watch Spongebob or Dora. When my husband or I watch it, we have very little patience for our children when they want something. Just last night I found ourselves, especially me, getting very upset because they were so loud and I couldn't hear the tv. I feel like the tv has gotten in the way and is making our family be very ugly with each other. I'm thinking the time to ditch the tv is very near.

Becky Holmes said...

Praying for you momma-bird and Tara!

Becky Holmes said...

Thank you so much for this post. I have been struggling so much since the birth of my second child 7 weeks ago. I feel like Im not committing enough time to Him when I should be, but me mind seems to be set on anything BUT Him. I would love your prayers!
PS- I posted a video of a miracle baby on my blog today...God was glorified! It is a MUST see if you get a chance!

Bren said...

What a wonderful post! I am dealing with this in my daughter. She will be 14 next month. She is homeschooled, and we do not listen to secular music in our home, though she has such a lust for worldly music and the music videos that she has verbally said she does not want to be a Christian because she would have to give them up. I am heartsick for her. Other Christian moms have said it is because I do not allow secular music and she will go for what is not allowed...basically saying it is my own fault for forbidding it. She steals radios and hides them in order to listen to her "favorite station" which plays explicit songs with lyrics promoting s*xual relationships in young people....those are her favorites as she says they make her feel "romantic". My spirit tells me not to allow it. How do you deal with a teen who wants the world instead of God? If we as adults struggle so with this, how can a 13 year old girl deal with it and how can I help her? I am afraid I will lose her to the world or a life of compromise.

Janet L said...

Dear Bren,

Pray for her without ceasing.....let her see you praying and calling out to the LORD for her. Our LORD is able to work in her life....ask the HOLY SPIRIT to do his saving work.

Julie said...

I am going to post these verses around my house in the coming weeks.
I too deal with a daughter who wants so badly to be worldly. Two actually. One who can't wait to grow up and wear skinny jeans and halter tops and bikini and one who can't wait to have a boyfriend and listen to the music she wants, watch the television shows and movies she wants, and read the books she wants.

It's such an uphill battle. We don't allow any of that in our home but it's EVERYWHERE!
I almost cried on Mother's Day when the new church we are at the Pastor preached on Titus 2 and feminism. What a breath of fresh air.

Carrie said...

It is so very easy to fall into the worldly trap. For me, I keep the television turned off and rarely listen to the radio. Unfortunately, all I have to do is step outside the door and the negative influences are prevalent. I realize that I must be vigilant, for me and for my children. I also realize that I must know what I believe to be true in my heart and stand firm. So many naysayers are more than willing to chip away at my defenses. I must not spend much time on Facebook - while it has its positives, it also reeks of ungodly content. Thank you for posting this and the scripture verses. I find it most helpful to keep a personal Bible journal and write verses inside of it that are meaningful to me.

MerryElle said...

I feel for you...What I have done with my children is not forbid them secular music, but have made them look up the lyrics to the songs they have wanted to buy and see if they are bad in any way. If they are, show them scripture to the contrary. They will live on their own someday and need to make wise decisions in what they expose themselves to. This goes for books, movies, ect...

Anonymous said...

It seems these days I am always looking towards the worldly things, and it is such a daily struggle for me, I feel like I fail more times than I can count. I have been given some amazing talents by the grace of God. I want to use them for his Glory. But approval, popularity, and competition cloud my mind. It has eaten at my core. Please pray for me as these weigh me down. I want to find true joy in the talents that the Lord has so graciously allowed me to have. Thank you.

Lisa said...

The world, the flesh and the devil want to steal the souls of our children. These entities work day and night and slip in through our laxity and fatigue. It is so very important the young women marry godly STRONG leaders to guide and protect their children. I fear many of us wives are running things and we're not equipped to handle such strain unceasingly. The children choose to go with the "easier" parent (often the father) and we all suffer.

Kelly said...

This was a very timely post. A few days ago I visited an aquaintance who has two grown daughters and her home was perfect. I came home and began struggling with being discontent with my home's decor and the mess of toys that comes with 9 children in the home. I am praying for the Lord to free me from that discontent and help me to see His plan for where I am in life right now.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Fuentes,

Since we live in a society that is so bent towards thwarting family values and godly principles, sometimes, it can be difficult not to be influenced by the world's standard of thinking.

Since I am a "late-bloomer" on many levels, I feel that I shall always be struggling in this regard, but I refuse to given-in to the pressures I might face.

At any rate, this was a very good article, Mrs. Fuentes. I also liked the scriptures that you chose. They were very appropriate and encouraging for this post.


-L. Rose

Shannon Wallace said...

I love that you blogged on this topic! I was just going to blog on it myself. I had struggled with worldliness for a very long time. And because of it, and the Lord's convictions, I had to make a lot of changes. For one, TV is a huge one (and movies). If it's something that I wouldn't let my children watch, then why should I watch it myself? Why tell them to leave the room because it's an inappropriate show? Another is alcohol. I used to have an occasional drink. I no longer do that, because why would I do something I don't want my children to do? I'm not stuck on designer this and designer that as I was years ago...I'm embarrassed to sport a $200 purse! LOL Though I have changed so much for the better, I have a long way to go. I would enocurage anyone out there struggling with worldliness to examine their actions against God's Word, not others. The scriptures warn us continually about not making idols (money, clothes, car, etc., celebrities), not conforming to the pattern of this world, etc. We cannot be a part-time Christian...we are either in, or we are not! Now I am not saying that people out there that are part-time Christians (and it's not my place to judge who is and is not, only my Father) are doomed to hell. No, they are loved just the same by our Lord. But I am just saying that Christianity has been quite watered down, and it's time for a change!

Anonymous said...

I love this and I also love your victorian art on you page. Do you mind telling me the name of the artist or place where i could find these prints. I love them they speak so much.

Helen Tisdale said...

Mrs. Fuentes, Ditto to all comments before me. Wonderful article. You have the most beautiful blog I have seen! Do you have info. available for beginners who might be contemplating blogging? I am a 60 yr. old grandmother & mother of a special needs 37 yr. old son; who God has allowed me to care for as a single parent. New to the computer, so I am green! I have a story to tell. Can you help me?

Anne Linn said...

Thank you for this lovely post. I was wondering where you get those beautiful images? Could you share please?

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Ladies,

This art can be found by clicking on the image, I am an affiliate at the site and they have beautiful art and photography for your home. Be sure to visit, they always have great sales and prices are pretty good.

Many blessings...

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This does speak to our society and ourselves...

Jennifer @ A Blog of My Very Own! said...

I am sad to admit that I have several "idols" that tend to get in the way of my worship. I struggle with watching too much TV, playing on the computer too much, eating too much. I know that each of these things in and of themselves is not "evil" but it is the over-indulgence that does me in. I tend to just sit back and let time pass me by rather than mindfully spending my time with uplifting pursuits. I don't want to continue in this pattern and this is something that I am currently working on; I have just signed up to be part a group that will help encourage each other to get up early in the mornings, before our families, so that we will have (or make) time to devote to studying God's word.

Lilly said...

I am glad that I got to read this because I am dealing with talking to much on the phone about every thing. I find myself not being focused on my fellowship with God or my family.

I waste a lot of time being idle when I should be doing more in homeschooling and taking care of the house. I also notice that dealing with the challenges of marriage makes me look to the world's way of dealing with this.

I would like to know how to start over and get the priorities in order.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Fuentes, your blog is wonderful and I agree, the photos are beautiful. I have tried to click and find the affiliate info and can not.
Can you be more specific please. I love the white house on your main page. Thank you so very much. : )


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


The affiliate info link is on the bottom of the page to the right after you click on the image.

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Helen,

I would love to help!

You can contact me at

Many blessings...

Anonymous said...

I'm a Father of 6 children-2 boys 4 girls(3 of which are Teens)I've been pondering on this quite a lot lately and my heart goes to women struggling with worldliness in general. In many ways the pull to conform to the world (e.g. fashion,fads,and the compulsion to adorn themselves outwardly) is much stronger on women than on men because they get pressured on every hand. I can see how men can apply this pressure to their wives or worldly women within the church body will also give them the old it's fine in moderation talk "just a little foundation"..My feeling that this is an demonic spirit that is constantly leveling attacks on the women of God.My wife has had dreams of this particular spirit (an awful painted gawdy woman) trying to convince her that it was ok God wouldn't care if she wore a little foundation.Creepy. I'm Thankful you have this site to offer support and encouragement for women of God. God bless you

Susie said...

I think this is a huge challenge, especially for young adults ages 18-mid 30s. Part of the issues is the lack of guidance on how to serve God during the single years of early adulthood. Christian blogs don't often address how unmarried women can serve God and be home centered. As a result many single young women feel isolated and turn to worldliness because the world claims to have a place and purpose for them.


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