Saturday, April 30, 2011

New Video Footage from the Crawford Family

Here is some recent video footage from Aaron Crawford ( husband of Kelly of Generation Cedar) of the Crawford family who recently lost their home due to a twister that destroyed their home on Wednesday morning:

(get out your kleenex, ladies)

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home sent your donations of $1,446.29 to their family last night. We have sent them a total of $3,667.38 to date with every penny going directly to them daily. Kelly is overwhelmingly grateful and had gotten in touch with us last night while she was at the hospital visiting her father, who just recently suffered a massive heartattack (his home was lost too, but they were not home at the time because they were in the hospital).

You can send your donations to them here:

But there are also OTHER families who need your help. The Tom Lee family who's heroic father died while he protected his family while the walls collapsed around him. His thirteen children and his wife survived. Hear from his oldest son:

 Wow, what a testimony from him to hear how through this horrible trial his thoughts are on bringing glory to God and wanting to honor his father's legacy.

And also the Boyd family whose home was severely damaged as well, who have nine children:

Folks, these are families that desperately need your prayers, continuing support and donations. We would also like to announce that Peter Bradrick has set up a website called Help Hurting Families in Alabama who took the time to create these videos and are also accepting donations for these families above. You may visit their site to give a helping hand to these other families.

Thank you so much for your time, prayers and generosity!
 May the Lord richly bless you!


Subscribe here or follow on Facebook  for the latest updates on the Crawford's.


Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

Oh my goodness. What a priviledge to be able to help them somehow. Thank you for letting us know.

We live in the Northwest. I've never even seen a tornado. It must be terrifying.

The story of the father protecting his family broke my heart. I will be praying for all of these families.


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


It broke my heart too. I hope the videos move many to pray and help any way they can. Some people think that they don't have anything to give, which I completely understand. But I definitely want readers to know that even giving $5 adds up! I think it's easy to think that a small amount would not make a difference, but I want them to know that every penny counts in a situation like this.

Many blessings...

Mrs. White said...

Thanks for sharing about this. I am so encouraged to hear how much money has been raised so far to help them!!

Mrs. White
The Legacy of Home

Brenda said...

Thank you for keeping us updated and posting these videos.

Toyin O. said...

This is so sad, praying for everyone involved in this tragedy.

the⋆silver⋆of⋆His⋆fining said...

Thank you so much for posting these videos. I have been and will continue to pray for these dear folks, and especially that God will continue to use them to make HIS GLORY SHINE. What an awesome testimony!

Joyce in WI (we do have tornadoes)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Fuentes,

I saw these videos at another blog, and they are simply heart-wrenching!

I will continue to keep these families in my prayers. I will also ask my husband if we can send a donation to them.

-L. Rose

Jewels said...

Thank you so much for staying on top of this.. please continue to share their testimonies for others as I am sending to my Facebook pages to others that haven't found your page yet! May God continue to use this for the good He has planned.. whatever that may be!

Crystal said...

Thank you for posting about this. I live in Calhoun county in Alabama. Parts of our county was hit and the devastation is unbelievable. The coverage has been minimal for our area because it is more rural. Thank you for your prayers! My prayer has been that His church will be His hands and feet and that the gospel will go forth! Alabama the beautiful will be beautiful again!

Cassiescuddles said...

I am so sorry to hear this, thank you for letting us know. We will remember them in our prayers.


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