Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Freedom and Joy

As women, we fall for this idea that we can “do it all,”

and usually end up frazzled and frustrated. 

But when we understand what God wants us to do and ask for His help,

it leads to freedom and joy.

What motivates your activities?

Are you trying to make a good impression?

Is it just that you can’t say "no"?

Why don't you ask God what's on His agenda for this season of your life?

---Nancy Leigh Demoss, Revive Our Hearts

Recommended Resource: Lies Women Believe: and The Truth That Sets Them Free, Nancy Leigh Demoss

More bestselling books that can change your life by Nancy can be found here.


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Laura Gabriele said...

Very true! With finals near and company coming over tonight, a shift at the hotel where I work, and a messy house, wow I wonder how I let myself get spread so thin!

I miss your background! I hope they work it out soon.


Trophy and Barb said...

Thanks, June. Needed to be reminded of that today. After two days on a jury, I'm not feeling a lot of freedom and joy today. But we'll do school and I'll try to focus on what God wants me to accomplish today instead of the endless list of things calling for my attention, including our support group web site which is giving me trouble. It will just have to wait. :-)

Mrs. P. said...

My church did a study of Nancy Leigh Demoss's book "Seeking Him." It was absolutely life-changing. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone seeking personal revival, whether you're doing it alone or with a group.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

So true! As women, we sometimes tend to take-on more tasks than we can handle. It's always to go to the Lord to see what we need to be doing at a specific time and season.

-L. Rose

Lilly said...

Mrs. Fuentes Thank you for this !!! You are a blessing!

Rachel Irene said...

Hello !

I love your encouraging. :)

May I please ask were you find all these lovely old pictures?
Thank you so much! :)

In Christ Alone,

Vilisi said...

Well said. The key - understanding what God wants me to do and doing it with His grace and strength. :)

Valerie said...

Amen and ouch - I usually live by these words, but I've been overextending our family lately and doing too much. Thanks for the sweet reminder.

LeAnn said...

This gave me some thoughts to ponder. Thanks for sharing such a lovely post and your blog site is beautiful.
Blessings to you!

Check out my site sometime:
Living Waters@

Kara Chupp said...

Loved the book...
Such a great reminder June.
Thank you.
Just was processing this today--the tension between not being too me-focused and self-protecting vs. saying "yes" to too many needs and ending up frazzled and ineffective.
If only I would stop and ask Him BEFORE I respond.


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